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  1. Thank you so much guys! I have managed to figure this out by installing a plugin: https://schwartz-edmisten.com/plugins/p/hamburger-menu-on-desktop-in-71
  2. Hello! I am looking for a solution to create a quarter-sized hamburger menu for desktop ONLY*, similar to this website. I would also love to add the contact details under like they have too. Any suggestions/codes would be amazing! I haven't been able to find any! *I have tried a code for a hamburger menu, but it applies these changes to the mobile menu which I don't want – I'm happy for the mobile menu to stay full screen. .header .header-burger{ display:flex } .header-nav, .header-actions { display:none } .header--menu-open .header-menu { opacity: 1; visibility: visible; } .header .header-burger{ display:flex } .header-nav, .header-actions {display:none} .header--menu-open .header-menu { opacity: 1; visibility: visible; width: 50%; margin-left: 50%; box-shadow: none } .header .header-burger{display:flex} .header-nav, .header-actions {display:none} .header-menu-nav-item a { padding-top: 1vw; padding-bottom: 1vw; } .header-menu-nav-folder[data-folder="root"] { overflow: hidden; } /* Desktop menu spacing */ @media screen and (min-width:992px) { .container.header-menu-nav-item a { margin-top: 3px; margin-bottom: 5px; } } div.header-menu-nav-item a { font-size: 20px !important; padding: 10px; }
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