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Everything posted by BrockDB

  1. Thanks @tuanphan. I set a password as "123". This is not a paid subscription yet so Squarespace will not let me put it as Public. Will you check to see if this password allows visibility? Thanks
  2. I am trying to design a page where the background to the section below the header bleeds into the header so it all looks like one section as seen here: https://ukulele-grapefruit-hcl3.squarespace.com/ . It's a grey section going up into the header and the section it was placed in. My issue is that I'm trying to allign that and the artist's name so her name (font color white) is in the grey area and the word "Art" (font color in black) is placed outside the grey area in white. My issue is that I can get it just right on one screen size but another screen size and it's no longer aligned correctly. I can duplicate this problem just by reducing my window size. Does anyone have a code or some work through to make this design work? Thanks!
  3. @melody495 Can you see my site? www.brockbyersphotogrpahy.com Check out on the mobile version and let me know if you're able to view what I'm talking about. Thanks!
  4. I successfully pulled code from a post I found in this forum and it accomplished what i wanted to do on my website (desktop version). I wanted to place an underline, color specific, onto the nav menu options. The code worked yet when I go into the mobile version of my website the lines are way too long. Below I'm going to include the code I used.... is there anyone who can give me direction on how to code the mobile version to work as I would like it to? Thanks! /* Change the underline color of the top menu links */ .header-nav-item a { position: relative; text-decoration: none !important; color: #43c6ff; /* Set the color of the link */ } .header-nav-item a::after { content: ""; position: absolute; left: 0; bottom: -2px; /* Adjust the positioning of the underline */ width: 100%; height: 2px; /* Adjust the height of the underline */ background-color: #43c6ff; /* Set the color of the underline */ visibility: hidden; opacity: 0; transition: opacity 0.4s; } .header-nav-item a:hover::after, .header-nav-item a:focus::after, .header-nav-item--active a::after { visibility: visible; opacity: 1; } /* Optional: Change the underline color when the link is active or focused */ .header-nav-item--active a::after { background-color: #43c6ff; /* Set the color of the underline when the link is active */ } div.header-nav-item a { display: inline-block; } div.header-menu-nav-item a::after { content: ""; position: absolute; left: 0; bottom: -2px; width: 100%; height: 2px; background-color: #43c6ff; visibility: hidden; opacity: 0; transition: opacity .4s; } div.header-menu-nav-item a:hover::after { visibility: visible; opacity: 1; } .header-menu-nav-item-content { position: relative; display: inline-block; pointer-events: none; }
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