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    WidleStudioLLP got a reaction from bjornlupo in Adding overlay with captions om image   
    Here is the code :
    @media only screen and (min-width: 640px){ #block-12345 { opacity: 0; transition: opacity 1s } #block-12345:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 1s } } if you have any confusion check out this video https://youtu.be/llSO2AMIb3M?si=DkQKTC43sZ0_dtQX
  2. Thanks
    WidleStudioLLP got a reaction from FelixCollier in White space appearing beneath header   
    Hello @FelixCollier

    ok, Nice 👍
    and sorry for that 

    Thank You 

  3. Like
    WidleStudioLLP got a reaction from Earvin in How to add price filter with range slider in product categories   
    I am working on a project page for a design firm in 7.1 The PLAN was to make a project product categories and then use the Filter to filter products by price and do so via  CATEGORIES

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    WidleStudioLLP reacted to Jo_SQSP in Ask a Squarespace Product Manager: Managing Clients with Invoices, Contracts, and Proposals   
    Hi everyone, 
    The Customer Operations Community team is hosting a 45 min Invoicing and Client Documents live Q&A on June 13, 12pm EDT. During this session, Linda Underwood, Staff Product Manager, and Nicole Into, Product Marketing Manager, will reply to questions about new Squarespace features to invoice clients, create client proposals and contracts, and manage projects. This is a unique opportunity to connect with two of our product experts and learn about best practices. If you sell specialized services to clients on a project-to-project basis, like photography, consultation, or website design service and are just getting started with Squarespace’s invoicing and documents features, then this Q&A session is for you! Save your spot now by signing up on the Ask a Squarespace Product Manager: Managing Clients with Invoices, Contracts, and Proposals registration page.
    Here are some examples of topics we’ll address: 
    Documents- How to use documents to showcase your work and expertise, provide an estimate, and agree to terms and conditions before starting work Invoices- How to quickly and easily brand your client invoices and keep business information up-to-date Projects- How to use projects to keep track of key milestones, client info, invoices, and documents, all in one place.   You can submit your questions throughout the session, and we’ll do our best to answer as many questions as we can during the session.
    To submit general questions in advance, please share them with us in the comments. For any questions that are site specific and/or require troubleshooting, we recommend contacting Customer Support directly. 
  5. Like
    WidleStudioLLP reacted to braevin in Photos in accordion dropdown   
    Hi there, 
    I was able to embed images into my accordion dropdowns, however I'd like the images to be left aligned with the text wrapped around them (instead of the image on top of the text, like it is now). When I add a display:flex property, it makes the images all different sizes. 
    site URL: https://www.couplesmarriageministry.org/resources/wives
    Any help is welcomed!
  6. Like
    WidleStudioLLP reacted to paul2009 in Curious to know more about Developer mode   
    No. Custom post types can only be created in Developer Mode and, as I explained above, this is only available on the old version of Squarespace (version 7.0), where many of the newer features aren't available. Developer Mode isn't - and won't be - available on 7.1. 
    Of course this doesn't stop you using a Blog post type for storing clinic locations but you won't be able to add custom fields 🙂.
    Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below  ⬇️ 
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    WidleStudioLLP reacted to paul2009 in Wrapping Text   
    Text wrapping is available on older "Classic" editor sections (and on Squarespace 7.0) but is not yet available on newer "Fluid Engine" sections. If you'd like to use text-wrapping you can add a Classic editor section to a page by selecting one of the options in the lower left corner of the 'Add a Section' window.

    Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below  ⬇️
  8. Like
    WidleStudioLLP reacted to glang in Embedding External form - only showing up in footer   
    Hello, I've previously always embedded an external party form code block in the footer section of my page and it's shown up as the main body of the page. This was the only way I could get it to show at all. Now it's suddenly only showing up below the footer, which looks really bad. 
    I've not custom coded the site apart from my font, and really don't know how to get the form to show up as the main body of the page. Any advice? The form code is from Jotform. 
  9. Like
    WidleStudioLLP reacted to sp123456 in Show text on hover over video but still allow video to play when clicked   
    I've added the following code to allow text to show when you hover over a certain image. This works great.
    But when I use the same code for text over a video, the hover works, but I'm not able to play the video. Does anyone know if it's possible to have the text show on hover but still be able to play the video underneath?
    @media only screen and (min-width: 640px){ #block-yui_3_17_2_1_1679943741814_88486 { opacity: 0;  transition: opacity 1s } #block-yui_3_17_2_1_1679943741814_88486:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 1s } }  
  10. Like
    WidleStudioLLP reacted to Magmorphius in Anchor link to a testimonials section   
    I just solved this issue using this chrome plugin.
    it will show the unique ID for every block including auto layout sections as follows:
    Then you make your anchor link like normal:
  11. Like
    WidleStudioLLP reacted to Parker_SQSP in Domains FAQ   
    1. What’s the difference between a domain and a website?
    While domains and websites are closely related, they aren't the same. A website is a collection of content hosted on a server. A domain is a user-friendly address your browser uses to identify the location of a website. 
    Let’s put it another way: think of your website as a house, with the domain being the street address. Your house contains all of your belongings in the same way your website contains all of your content. Domains are like a home address because they provide visitors with the unique address that takes them directly to your home or website.
    Website and domain hosting are separate subscriptions that are billed separately. With Squarespace, you can get a free year of domain hosting when you register for an annual website subscription. 
    2. What’s the difference between transferring a domain to my Squarespace site and connecting it? 
    Transferring a domain to your site makes Squarespace your domain host. This means you can manage your domain billing, settings and registration from your Squarespace account.
    You can connect a domain to your Squarespace site if you’re unable to transfer it. The main difference from transferring is that a connected domain uses the current domain provider as the host.  Connecting, or pointing, a domain to your Squarespace site involves updating your domain’s DNS settings from your provider's end.
    Both setup processes lead to the same result. When you successfully add a domain to your site using either transferring or connecting, the domain directs users to your Squarespace site. 
    3. Why do you recommend transferring my domain to Squarespace instead of connecting it?
    If possible, transferring your domain to your Squarespace site is the recommended option over connecting a domain. Here are a few reasons why: 
    Ease of use  If you already have a Squarespace site, you can manage your domain’s DNS and billing settings from your Squarespace site. You won’t need to deal with two different providers. 
    Scope of support  Sometimes things can go wrong and questions can arise when managing your domain. If your domain is connected to your site, our Customer Support team can’t access your account with a third-party domain provider to provide more help. If Squarespace is your domain host, we can offer more insight and hands-on support to help you find solutions.  
    Features  All Squarespace domains include free Whois privacy and SSL certificates to protect your information and to keep your site marked as secure. 
    While transferring your domain to Squarespace is the recommended domain setup option, the most important factor in your decision depends on what works best for you. Whether you decide to connect or transfer your domain, your visitors won’t experience any differences when viewing your site. 
    4. How can I choose a good domain name? 
    For many users, their domain name is their name or the name of their business. For other users, it’s not as straightforward. 
    Because a domain name is your first impression on the internet, we recommend choosing a name that's positive and memorable. Domains can be anywhere from a few characters to several words. Shorter domain names are more effective with audiences because their short length makes them easier for people to remember. Additionally, fewer characters means fewer possible misspellings. 
    Consider the purpose of your site 
    Before you choose a domain name, consider what the purpose of your site is and what your users will do when visiting your site. Are you selling products or services?  Are you hosting a blog? 
    Understanding your site’s purpose and audience will help you ‌develop a list of keywords to incorporate into your site content. These keywords are a tool you can use to find a domain name that's effective and relevant to your site. For example, if you’re choosing a domain name for a yoga studio, you can incorporate the word “yoga” into your domain  because “yoga” is an important keyword throughout your site content that resonates with your audience and your site’s purpose. 
    Distinguish yourself from your competitors 
    It’s important to have a unique domain name to distinguish yourself from your competitors, especially if there are other websites that are similar to yours. For example, if you live in New York City and own a hardware store called Smith’s Hardware, smithshardwarenyc.com could stand out more to your local customers than  smithshardware.com. Adding a unique identifier like “nyc” to your domain distinguishes your site from the competing Smith’s Hardware sites. 
    5. How can I set up a custom email address for my domain?? 
    Once your domain is registered, you can create a custom email address for it, like youremail@yourdomain.com. Here are two ways to set this up in Squarespace:
    Email forwarding You can set up email forwarding for Squarespace-managed domains. With email forwarding, you create aliases for your email address. Then, emails sent to those aliases will be forwarded to another email address of your choice. 
    Think of an alias as a nickname. For example, if your email is youremail@gmail.com, you can set up the alias youremail@yourdomain.com. All emails sent to youremail@yourdomain.com will forward to youremail@gmail.com. 
    Google Workspace  You can add Google Workspace to a Squarespace domain or third-party domain. Similar to email forwarding, you can use a custom domain email address with Google Workspace. The difference with Google Workspace is you create a new email with its own inbox instead of creating a nickname for an existing email
    This is a good option for businesses wanting a professional email address with its own inbox. Keep in mind, Google Workspace is a separate billing subscription from your domain and website. 
    6. I’m a Google Domains customer. Do I have to do anything? 
    In 2023, Squarespace entered into an agreement to become the new home for Google Domains. Domains are being moved to Squarespace in phases. When your domain transitions from Google to Squarespace, you’ll become a Squarespace customer and manage your domain through an account with us. 
    If you're a Google Domains customer, we’ll let you know when you need to take action. When your domain moves to Squarespace, you’ll receive an email to the email address associated with your Google Domains account. If you already have a Squarespace account, you’ll just need to log into it. If you don’t have a Squarespace account yet, one will be created for you automatically. 
    Visit About the Google Domains migration to Squarespace to learn more about the migration, how to check the status of your domain and where to go for support.
  12. Like
    WidleStudioLLP reacted to Microsoft in Domain Not Claimed   
    How to fix this ? 
    We accidently initated transfer but it cannot be completed and we have exact same error 
  13. Like
    WidleStudioLLP reacted to Julia11 in Domain Not Claimed   
    so, is there any solution online for this problem yet? Im having the same problem and it sucks!
  14. Like
    WidleStudioLLP reacted to BrittMakes in Domain Not Claimed   
    I am having the same issue, has anyone found the solution?
  15. Like
    WidleStudioLLP reacted to NCP in Domain Not Claimed   
    I'm getting the same error. I changed domain registrars (neither was Squarespace). The process was to disconnect the old registrar and connect to the new. The new registrar said all was OK, but the web site gets this error.
  16. Like
    WidleStudioLLP reacted to SugarandOlives in Domain Not Claimed   
    Same problem here!
  17. Like
    WidleStudioLLP reacted to lh-design-07 in Domain Not Claimed   
    Site URL: https://www.automatedcontrolsuk.com
    After many issues with cpanel and connecting the domain, we have decided to create a new domain and re-direct it to the current one (www.automatedcontrolsuk.com)
    The new domain (www.automatedcontrols.uk.com) links up fine, however the current one comes up with the below message:
    Domain Not Claimed This domain has been mapped to Squarespace, but it has not yet been claimed by a website. If this is your domain, claim it in the Domains tab of your Website Manager.   How do I go about claiming this?
    The reason we created a new domain was because cpanel wouldn't connect up properly and they were quite unhelpful when it came to contacting them to rectify this. It was a better solution to just create a new one and redirect it but now that doesn't work. Feels like we're going round in circles with this domain!
  18. Like
    WidleStudioLLP reacted to Ziggy in Problems with connecting my designed website with my registered domain   
    If you go to your website and then go to Settings and Domains, click on "connect a domain I own" then type your domain name in and follow the steps.
    This type of request is really easily handled by Squarespace Support via live chat, you can find them here:
  19. Like
    WidleStudioLLP reacted to Jo_SQSP in Introducing: Clubs   
    We’ve added two brand new clubs to the Squarespace Forum: Artists and Photographers and Online Sellers. Clubs are like social groups, and you can join them to connect with others who are also interested in the club’s topic. 
    You can join the clubs to introduce yourself or your business, share your work, get advice, and get to know others in the Squarespace community. 
    Everyone’s welcome to join! Click the links below to join a club and introduce yourself: 
    Artists and Photographers Online Sellers 
  20. Like
    WidleStudioLLP reacted to DaveJonesDesign in Introduce your business!   
    Hi Guys, I’m Dave a freelance graphic designer based in Leeds/London UK - specialising in branding, packaging design, and web design. https://www.davejonesdesign.co.uk
  21. Like
    WidleStudioLLP reacted to kalevi in Introduce your business!   
    I suddenly got a surprising customer, my 13-year-old daughter 🙂 She ordered an online store from me. She hasn't managed to upload more than three works yet, but the website, the most eCommerce settings is almost done.

  22. Like
    WidleStudioLLP reacted to mglcano in Introduce your business!   
    Hello! I’m Miguel, an artist from Chicago who specializes in hand drawn iPad art in traditional styles. Here is the link to my site drawnbymac.com and shop done in Squarespace. Also here is a recent drawing and painting for your enjoyment. 🙂

  23. Like
    WidleStudioLLP reacted to Jankulovski in Introduce your business!   
    Hi I am Kora, an Authenticity and Transitions coach, helping people discover their core values, strenghts and passions. Supporting and empowering individuals to align (create) their lives with their true desires. Of course, did my website on SS https://www.theheartfeltlife.com/ :) 
  24. Like
    WidleStudioLLP reacted to Nomadtechjobs in Introduce your business!   
    Hello! I am Leia with Nomad Tech Jobs. I am trying to work hard to get back to a fully remote digital nomad. I started the website to offer free resume reviews, career guidance, and remote job opportunites. I am also including my travel stories blog.
  25. Like
    WidleStudioLLP reacted to cjazz in Introduce your business!   
    Hi I'm David from South Downs Web Design located in Hampshire, UK.

    I mainly deliver Squarespace websites, but also do onepage Bootstrap websites depending on clients requirements. 
    Just completed a website for a local grassroots football team here in the UK - Whitehill & Bordon FC. If there are any budding Ryan & Robs out there that wanna support a grassroots football team here in the UK then let me know.

    whitehill-bordon-fc-full-screen-capture.mp4   Here's an example of a recent singlepage bootstrap website carried out for DMK Beauty.


    Scroll Capture 2024-02-01 at 4.49.25 PM (1).mp4   Feel free to contact me david@southdownswebdesign.co.uk
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