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  1. Thank you so much, tuanphan, for your offer to help with this. It appears that the formatting from pasted text overrides any custom css code or global preference. The lack of contrast between dark text on a dark background is a pretty serious ADA compliance issue so I did resort to clearing text formatting for every individual item. Going forward, when cutting and pasting text, I know now to clear text formatting after doing so.
  2. Thank you for your response. Unfortunately, this didn't work after selecting / saving the change to white.
  3. Is there a way to change the product description font color site-wide? The color changed to black all of a sudden and I'd like to find a way to restore it to white without having to clear text formatting for every item. The following code didn't work in custom css: /* product description color */ .pdp-details-excerpt * { color: white !important; }
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