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Everything posted by NaomiChilton

  1. Omg as if it was that easy haha thank you so much.
  2. Hi Paul, The service is called Free To Book. All I have been given is the following code: <div class="ftb-widget" data-id="46978" data-token="PoXC79Jw0YG88p1JIRTyQleoEZYiWt5QwnDC8DwxqyQi3wEUXpm0TPqIzKPrJ"></div><script src="https://widget.freetobook.com/widget.js"></script> When I add it to the page it works, but just loads it to the very top of the page so would just need some help styling the position to where I would like it to go. I've attached an image to show where you can see it has loaded, underneath the Nav, but I would like it to sit underneath the main header.
  3. Hi I am trying to add a booking/availability widget to a few of my pages. I've been sent the code for the actual widget but I am unsure how to style the position of the widget. Ideally, I would like it to sit underneath the header image of the page. Here is the widget code I have been sent. <div class="ftb-widget" data-id="46978" data-token="PoXC79Jw0YG88p1JIRTyQleoEZYiWt5QwnDC8DwxqyQi3wEUXpm0TPqIzKPrJ"></div><script src="https://widget.freetobook.com/widget.js"></script> If anyone could help me I would really appreciate it!
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