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  1. @creedon That part worked! I just changed the targeted class to .eventitem-meta-date because I want the time to show, just not the date. Do you know what I'd target for the other pages? My guess didn't work. THANK YOU!
  2. @creedon I know this is an old post, so sorry if it's no longer relevant. I'm trying to accomplish something similar. If an event has a category of NoDate, I need to hide the date on the main event landing page, the event detail page and also in the summary block on the homepage. I tried implementing your above code, and used the following styles: body[data-event-categories*="NoDate, "] .eventitem-meta-date, .eventlist-datetag, .summary-thumbnail-event-date {display: none;} I'm doing something wrong. It's hiding ALL dates on the event landing page, NO dates on the event detail page, regardless of the NoDate category, and NO dates on the homepage. Any help would be greatly appreciated. The website is: https://blue-gecko-e526.squarespace.com/ password is auction Thanks!
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