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Everything posted by cloudhymns

  1. Total facepalm for not thinking of that. Such a perfectly simple solution. Thank you!
  2. Hello! On my services page, I have added code blocks that each can be opened up with a click. They rest in 3 columns on my website (one column mobile). When I click open the first option (Personal Projects) in column 1, a large gap is created in between option 1 (Base Branding Package) and 2 (Pro Branding Package) in column 3. The same thing happens to column 1 when I click Base Branding Package. I don't want the second option in an alternate column to follow the second option in the first column when it is opened. Is there a way I can target the code blocks and make them stay in place when they are not clicked open? Thank you for any help you can provide.
  3. Thank you! Will this work for all future blog posts, or will I need to target the collection ID for every specific post? That would kind of be a nightmare— so the most ideal solution would be code that will target every blog post's body copy.
  4. Yes! I just want to target the paragraphs (body copy) for blog posts only. I don't want my paragraph typeface to change anywhere else on the site.
  5. Hi! I'm starting a blog and would like to make the paragraph typeface inside the blog post mimic something you'd find in a printed book, i.e. a serif. My site-wide paragraph style is Franklin Gothic. I want to change *only* the paragraph style inside my blog posts, while leaving the site-wide paragraph typeface as is. Could someone please help me out with what code is needed to make this change? Thank you!
  6. I'm ultimately trying to target the "add to cart" button that Squarespace newly implemented as a site feature (I previously had this added as custom code, but when Squarespace recently added it as a feature it completely broke it, lol). I want to target the add to cart button underneath all my products at once so I can add code that will make it move up slightly. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  7. Hi! A long while ago, I found code to make it so my products would appear in two columns instead of just one on mobile. For some reason, the product page is now displaying them still in two columns— just completely bypassing the second column. I haven't made any conscious changes to the code, so I have no clue what happened. Any help for this fix would be greatly appreciated.
  8. Oh, gosh. I didn't notice that there is a separate (though similar) issue when there are no items in the cart. Do you know what the solution here would be as well? I just don't know how to target that "you have nothing in your cart" text, or the "continue shopping" button in this context. Thank you!
  9. This did it— but you have to add "!important" before every alteration's semicolon (i.e. font-size: 40px !important;) Things look muuuuuuch better. If it isn't too much of a bother, would you know a solution to move the subtotal, final cost, and checkout button all to be centered? Thanks so much for your help!
  10. I cannot for the life of me figure out what's wrong. None of my type is this small anywhere else on the site, and I've combed through my current code injections and nothing seems like it should be interfering with the cart. Also would appreciate help in moving the quantity and price numbers down. Thanks!
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