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Everything posted by marisajc

  1. Hey, having a hell of a time with this. I am able to see the custom font on my end, but not on any other device. Here is the code. Can someone see something I'm missing? @font-face { font-family: 'Voyage'; src: url('https://static1.squarespace.com/static/63825405a1515c69b80362a5/t/638510a066ef155fd620eec7/1669664928754/Voyage-Regular.otf'); } // Site Title // .header-title-text a { font-family: Voyage !important; } Attached shows what the site title font should look like.
  2. On further inspection I see that my custom font isn't showing up on any other computer/phone other than my computer? Again, it shows up on my squarespace and on my own computer. This is the css I used: font-face { font-family: 'VOYAGE'; src: url('https://static1.squarespace.com/static/63825405a1515c69b80362a5/t/638510a066ef155fd620eec7/1669664928754/Voyage-Regular.otf'); } // Site Title // .header-title-text a { font-family: VOYAGE !important; }
  3. The custom code I've inserted for my site title isn't working for my mobile site. On square space it shows the mobile version with the custom font, but when I actually go to the site from my phone its not the custom font. Every other css I've tried isn't working.
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