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Everything posted by RKS

  1. Thank you for your help. It worked for me on the Gallery Grid format. But I was not able to make it work on the List Section: Carousel or List Section: Banner Slideshow. Is it the same code with some tweaks of a different code for these two List Sections. Thx!
  2. Hello, I would like to enable hover effect on my website for images in list section carousel and banner slideshow (under the PORTFOLIO menu item) so that an alternate image appears on hover. Is there a CSS code that could help with this? Website: https://toucan-rhombus-85w7.squarespace.com/ Password: AB123! Thank you.
  3. I prefer to use e000 but I would like to reduce the weight of the arrow so that it is very fine... Thank you!
  4. @Tuanphan, thanks for looking into this... I have decided to use List Section and now I would like to replace the arrows on List Section: Banner Slideshow and List Section: Carousel with bullets...would there be a code that could help with this? Bullets would be my preferred option and if that's not possible, i'd just like to use the simple arrows like '>' and '<' instead of the --> and <-- that are there by default. Site: https://toucan-rhombus-85w7.squarespace.com/materialityofcolor Password: AB123! Thanks!
  5. Hi Tuanphan, I am also exploring this layout and I followed the steps you outline and reached the point of adding a block...however, there is no item called 'Gallery Block - Slideshow' in the list. I checked under Blank Section in Classic editor...am I looking in the wrong place?
  6. Hi @tuanphan, I've been searching for a way to replace the arrows on my slideshow simple (in gallery section) to bullets. Is there a CSS code that could help? Esp on the mobile, the arrows are appearing too close (left and right) to the image and I would rather have bullet controls below the image. https://toucan-rhombus-85w7.squarespace.com/gallery AB123! Thank you!
  7. Update: drop shadow visibility issue is now fixed with the overflow code added to the above code for media. . {overflow: visible !important;}
  8. @tuanphan Update: I switched to Autolayout under People Section and that gave me the option to have a Banner Slideshow where it is possible to place text on the side of the image. The following resource was helpful: https://www.beatrizcaraballo.com/blog/squarespace-auto-layouts-slideshow It seems that the only problem I have now is that the drop shadow on the image in the banner-slideshow is not showing up on mobile (it is showing up in the Mobile View in the edit mode but not when I check on my phone). Link here: https://toucan-rhombus-85w7.squarespace.com/paintings. Code: AB123! Here is the code I have used for the entire bit including the mobile: .user-items-list-banner-slideshow .slide-media-container {margin-left: 0px; position: relative; filter: drop-shadow(3px 4px 2px #DACBBF);} .user-items-list-banner-slideshow .slide {flex-direction: row-reverse;} @media screen and (max-width: 767px){.user-items-list-banner-slideshow .slide {flex-direction: column;}.user-items-list-banner-slideshow .slide-media-container {padding-top: 20px; filter:drop-shadow(3px 4px 2px #DACBBF);} .user-items-list-banner-slideshow .slide-content {;margin-bottom: 15px;}} Thank you!
  9. Thank you for helping. This one I shared earlier is a reference site: https://www.japan-art.com/en/artists/36-monika-huber/works/14-works-on-canvas-and-wood/9985-monika-huber-021628-o.t.-sw4-2011-2017/ built on ArtLogic. The site here is my site and as you will see the captions are appearing below the image in the slideshow: https://toucan-rhombus-85w7.squarespace.com/in-repose_gallery password: AB123! I need the captions on my site to appear as they do on the reference site. I tried the code you gave in Squarespace css but it did not have any effect.
  10. Thank you for that suggestion. Unfortunately, it made no change. Captions are still appearing below the image in the slideshow.
  11. Hello, I would like to know how to place captions on the left of the image in gallery slideshow: simple, instead of below the image as it is on this website: https://www.japan-art.com/en/artists/36-monika-huber/works/14-works-on-canvas-and-wood/9985-monika-huber-021628-o.t.-sw4-2011-2017/ Is there any code that can help with this requirement? Thanks,
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