So basically what I'm trying to do is have a carousel with my products and on hover have them change. I really am just looking for something where someone can scroll through using arrows. Would you suggest something else that may work?
Hi! Is there any way you can have a hover effect on a list carousel photo? I am trying to display a product photo on hover and I'm hoping it is possible to do!! pw- hello
On my product pages in 7.1, my text starts below where the photo starts and looks a bit off. Can anyone help me with aligning the photo and product title? Thanks so much!!
Hello! I was wondering if there is a way to move a list title to the left side of a carousel (7.1) like the photo I've attached. Thank you!
Hi! Thanks so much for this. I successfully switched out my product photo on hover, but it's also using the same image to switch out the hover on the product name. Is there a way to fix this?