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  1. I didn't realize that it's been three years already. Wow! There used to be a control panel where you could enable social sharing when they released 7.1, but I noticed the other day that it's been removed. Forcing visitors to have to copy and paste links from our sites is so backward. Having to add a third-party app is definitely backward. How many missed opportunities over the years have there been for merchants to sell their wares or (in my case) to share stories and photographs because visitors don't have a simple way to share our posts? Unbelievable 😑.
  2. I had to remove it because it was sharing a link to io instead. 😐
  3. @Susana_SQSPInteresting choice of words: "feature requests". I think it's apparent that what many of us are expressing here is incredulity and disappointment that 7.1 lacks a component that even the most backwards of web platforms possess. What good would putting in a feature request be if the powers-that-be don't realize that their platform is lacking a crucial component? Could you imagine begging an automobile manufacturer to include something so standard as windshield wipers on their vehicles? The response from Squarespace on this matter has been shocking, to say the very least. "Beg us, and we may consider your request." Really? 😒
  4. This doesn't apply to Squarespace 7.1, which is what this discussion is about.
  5. This happened to me when I first tried it. In my case, it there was a space in the url that I hadn't noticed. Try looking to make sure you have no spaces in yours.
  6. This is an even worse idea than ShareThis, which allows you to embed multiple share buttons all in one shot. No one has the time to embed each social media share button for every one of their blog entries.
  7. We've already discussed ShareThis and have different reasons for not wanting to use it, but mine is because it still has the exact same look it had back in the oo's. Yes, it works and it's free, but it's ugly .
  8. That was my exact experience with Squarespace late last year, which I mentioned earlier in this discussion. I have friends with deep pockets who have asked me about Squarespace 7.1, people who are familiar with my old 7.0 site and are impressed with the new one. I've told them all that while I truly do love the new platform, it lacks a native share option. This has been a dealbreaker for all but one. I must admit, however, I haven't told that one person yet. She's looking forward to signing up for 7.1 and I completely forgot to tell her because she was so enthusiastic about it. I don't have the heart to tell her right now. She sells art for tens of thousands of dollars (and more), could you imagine a visitor not being able to quickly share something like that? Just this evening, my sister asked me a few questions about 7.1, because the person she hired to build a website for her company suggested WordPress instead. Though she understands that WordPress is a lot more work than Squarespace, she doesn't have much confidence in 7.1 because of the lack of (in her words) "a simple function that even crappy websites have". I'm paying for share buttons thanks to someone here in this discussion, but I really would rather not.
  9. Thanks for the offer of assistance. I added your product to my website and it looks fabulous and works flawlessly!
  10. I spoke to a representative at SqSp last year about it, and was told that it was a "good idea", and that he would forward my request to engineers. 😒 I thought he was joking. They obviously have plans to roll out this feature since the controls are there, but I don't know why they're sitting on it.
  11. What's even more confounding, is that the controls are there. They simply don't work as yet. Social sharing is such an integral part of marketing for most of us, and it would seem to me that implementing this function should have been at the top of the list of things-to-do for the Squarespace team.
  12. I really wish Squarespace would hurry up and roll out this feature. The ShareThis buttons are ugly and criminally outdated. They looked cool in 2009, not so much now.
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