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mop last won the day on May 7 2022

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  1. Like Paul said above – it looks totally as it should. But what I encountered with some clients in the past is the fact that they do not comprehend fully the concept of responsive design. Sometimes they expect that webdesign behaves like a static PDF or print document where everything stays at the same place when resizing. I have multiple discussion with some clients until they fully grasp the concept. Maybe it is that – or I oversee something.
  2. Maybe it is the bug I discovered:
  3. I would also like that checkbox. Just to have order "in the backend". 😉 What I did is to create folders and I put stuff in there which I already used. Each project gets a folder or even subfolders. If new images are uploaded – which can happen if you like to use them for some thumbnails where you cannot choose from the asset library – I know at least which ones were uploaded recently -> because they are not in a folder. I also try to delete "older versions" of images as soon as I don't need them anymore. But it is still a bit laborious. 😬
  4. I would also like to know when this issue is addressed. This is really annoying since I often have to prepare project pages but the projects themselves are not made for public yet. Also the website visitor can see that it is being built "live". 🙄
  5. Hi there. I just realized that you cannot disable/deactivate a page within a portfolio page. I was accustomed to doing this on 7.0 in an index page? Does anyone know how to do that? Maybe with custom CSS? Hopefully in the main CSS window (because I am on a personal page). thanks
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