Hi! I'm in the middle of writing/designing my site and one thing I know I'm going to need is the ability to use different logos on different pages depending on the background colour I use for whichever page.
As you can see I'm using a lilac logo on the homepage, but as I'm using lilac as a background on my other pages, the logo is not visible so I want to use my red one on the other pages. (But I'd love the option to change it for each page in case I need that in future.)
I also would like to have a different 'style' for the header on different pages. On the homepage I want a dynamic header, while on other pages I want a theme or solid. Thank you so much in advance for anyone that can help.
Would someone be able to advise how to do this or provide a custom css code for me please?
https://squid-raccoon-pxc9.squarespace.com/ password: cr3ate