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Everything posted by Cpaliocha

  1. I'm interested in this too- it would be to estimate a quote based on a few parameters they enter in as fields.
  2. Having the same issue over here too. URL: https://blue-mandolin-zhxk.squarespace.com/config/
  3. Site URL: https://blue-mandolin-zhxk.squarespace.com/config/commerce/customer-notifications/customer-engagement#product-review I would like to change the URL for the "Leave a Review" button in Customer Notifications, to redirect to a different review site. I know I can create a new email with the correct link, but this automation times the email to send 14 days after a purchase- I'd like to use this feature so customers get the email at this specific time. I've tried adding a link manually (it doesn't let you add a button) and then deleting the Review button, but the delete option is greyed out. Thanks for your help!! Carina
  4. I tried trimming the image, but I need the space around the image so it doesn't automatically crop the photo and cut off the edges for the thumbnail on the shop page. I'm trying to have the Variety Pack Thumbnail appear to be the same size as the other product thumbnails, but it either cuts off the edges (when I crop the space around the image, screenshot 1) or if I leave the space, it looks smaller than the others (screenshot 2). Is there a way to find what exact size I should crop it so it's not adjusted for the thumbnail? The Non fixed header I would like for the Product pages, Donate Page, Contact Page: thirdbean.com/shop/p/variety-pack thirdbean.com/shop/p/classic thirdbean.com/shop/p/blueberry thirdbean.com/shop/p/mango thirdbean.com/shop/p/apricot thirdbean.com/shop/p/apple thirdbean.com/donate thirdbean.com/contact Or, these pages with a scroll style fixed header (there are less, but some are not made yet): Scroll-back style fixed header on: thirdbean.com/home thirdbean.com/beantobar (not made yet) thirdbean.com/stuffyoushouldknow (not made yet) thirdbean.com/ingredients Thank you for your help! Carina
  5. https://blue-mandolin-zhxk.squarespace.com/shop/p/variety-pack Thanks! I'd also like to do a page-specific non-fixed header, so fixed header everywhere else, non-fixed header here and another other product pages.
  6. Site URL: http://thirdbean.com Is some custom code I could insert to eliminate the padding between the first two images of the Product page? The site isn't live, but I can attach more screenshots if that's needed. Thanks so much! -C
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