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Everything posted by questionagain

  1. Site URL: https://lobster-dahlia-4tl7.squarespace.com/config/settings/site-visibility I reached out and asked this last night and I got an answer! However, the code given only worked for one of the summary sections. It worked on the second summary block only and not the first. Is there anyway I can make both summary blocks have two columns on mobile instead of the bottom one only? And how can I prevent this from happening if I want to add more summary blocks? pass: thephizzydrink Thanks!!
  2. Site URL: https://lobster-dahlia-4tl7.squarespace.com/config/settings/site-visibility I reached out and asked this last night and I got an answer! However, the code given only worked for one of the summary sections. It worked on the second summary block only and not the first. Is there anyway I can make both summary blocks have two columns on mobile instead of the bottom one only? And how can I prevent this from happening if I want to add more summary blocks? pass: thephizzydrink Thanks!!
  3. Thank you so much! It worked on the second summary block only and not the first. Is there anyway I can make both summary blocks have two columns on mobile instead of the bottom one only? Thank you!!
  4. Site URL: https://lobster-dahlia-4tl7.squarespace.com/config/settings/site-visibility When I collapse the screen to mobile it shows up at just one column making my pictures take up the entire screen. I'd like four columns (will take 3 if it doesn't work out). Can anyone help me out? pass: thephizzydrink
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