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Everything posted by CrisH

  1. yes! I mean that when we click "about" from the menu, the user will be taken to see exactly the image above, the about accordion open. Is it possible, to automatically open an accordion from an anchor link in the menu?
  2. I think I have the same question... I have an anchor link on the menu (about) and would like that when clicked from the menu, the linked accordion opens automatically. Today it jumps to place but because it is not open, it looks like it navigates to the section below "about". here is the site: https://www.seagrow.no/ and the anchor link is: https://www.seagrow.no/#About Many thanks in advance!
  3. And here is the CSS .kl-float a { position: fixed; opacity: .9; top: calc(25%); right: calc(5%); z-index: 20000; background-color: #CBA052; white-space: nowrap; text-align: center !important; border-radius: 0px; font-family: poppins; font-size: 14.4px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 20px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 20px; } .kl-float a:hover { background-color: #AF7C21; }
  4. So I manage to hide it (completely) for mobiles, see the code in bold below.... but I would like to hide it (on mobile only) when it reaches the footer and when I open the menu. Is this at all possible? The link sent previously is without the bold code under, so you can see what i mean, specially with the floating button showing when opening the menu on mobile. <div class="kl-float"> <a href="https://seafoodpeople.squarespace.com/s/Cristiane-Hamnes.vcf"> <p style="color:white">Download vCard</p> </a> <style> @media screen and (max-width:767px) { .kl-float {display: none !important;} </style> </div>
  5. https://seafoodpeople.net/cristiane-hamnes I have adapted the floating button from your previous codes, now i'm just trying to see if i can hide it behind the footer and menu when on mobile...
  6. just adding the "a" did it! Thanks 🙂 Now I'm gonna experiment with adding a hover over state....
  7. Hi! This worked beautifully on the first go, but I was wondering... is it possible to make the whole button clickable, not just the text? You know what I mean? Thanks a lot in advance!
  8. Thank you for the help and the explanation!
  9. Site URL: https://seafoodpeople.squarespace.com/test I have inserted an iFrame, but I want the height to fit the content on the page, without having to scroll within the iframe window. The content changes from day to day, so the height would have to fit accordingly. I can manage the no scroll by adding: scrolling="no" to the code. But when changing the height to be height="100%", the height becomes short like 50 px high... so that is not working for me. Code inserted as an embed block: <iframe src="https://api.recman.no/i1.php?key=210903092954k6c0ac93e83d3c23cfe2fc33ee3dd6cd01021880892&language_id=1" width="100%" height="750" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe> Is there an easy and simple solution to this?
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