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Customer selections for purchasing multiple items

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I am a wedding photographer and would like to have a page where my client can see multiple images and then select the ones they would like to purchase (ie: client can select 25 images of the 100 that I have displayed at a pre-paid amount).  Is there an easy way to set this up?  I would like clients to "check mark" the images they like.  Each client would need a private page for their collection where all images will be displayed, then they would "check" the images they like, and I would then provide either print or digital files to them.  Thanks for any help that you can provide.

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12 hours ago, diblit said:

I am a wedding photographer and would like to have a page where my client can see multiple images and then select the ones they would like to purchase (ie: client can select 25 images of the 100 that I have displayed at a pre-paid amount).

Sadly we don't have this feature on Squarespace yet but there are great third party platforms that you can use alongside your Squarespace website, allowing you to put all your public content on Squarespace and your client pages on another platform.

Personally I use the Pixieset platform for client galleries (this is an affiliate link to a service I use personally).

You can use a subdomain of your domain so that client pages appear to be part of the same website. For example, if your website has the domain www.weddings.com then your client pages could be collections.weddings.com or whatever you prefer 🙂.


You can also set download limits:


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