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Google is showing wrong link for some links when you use Google Search

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Hi- @Stratus

Happy to help! Could you please provide a detailed description of your situation? This will allow me to understand your issue clearly and offer you the best possible solution.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Sadul Sifat.

Edited by Sifat_SEOSpace

SEOSpace Team

SEOSpace - The SEO Plugin for Squarespace.

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I published the site live with all pages and links working fine.  I saw it migrate and pop up in Google but the site links where not the same as my website menu.  When I clicked on links it took me to a broken page.  The screenshot on the left shows the google links not working such as contact us, schedule appointment and services.  

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@Stratus The site was redesigned and/or migrated. There are other steps involved, for example you likely need 301 redirects. Google discusses site moves here: https://developers.google.com/search/docs/crawling-indexing/site-move-with-url-changes

Generally speaking, most businesses benefit from seeking assistance with website redesigns/migrations. 

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Hi @Stratus,

Thank you for your response. Below, I've added potential solutions that you can implement:
  • First, please add 301 redirections using the URL Mappings tool on the Squarespace dashboard.
  • Do this for all the wrong URLs you can see on the search results, as those pages no longer exist on your website. Please watch this video to see how to add the 301 redirections.

/OLD-URL -> /NEW-URL 301

/services -> /NEW-URL 301

/schedule-appointment -> /NEW-URL 301

/contact-us -> /NEW-URL 301

This will redirect you from the wrong URL to the new/correct URL, and Google will drop the wrong URLs gradually from the search results.

Sadul Sifat.

SEOSpace Team

SEOSpace - The SEO Plugin for Squarespace.

Get a Free Squarespace SEO Audit: https://www.seospace.co.uk/squarespace-seo-audit-score


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Ok, I don't think it worked 😞  Google still has it indexed wrong.  Attached is a screenshot of code an also google 1st page when you click on links which are wrong.


any assistance or a screen share would be welcome

Screenshot (186).png

Screenshot (187).png

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Hi @Stratus,

Thanks for sharing the screenshots. I'm happy to help. Your code needs some modifications.

Please remove the codes you added and add the following instead (please do not alter anything).

/services -> /document-destruction 301
/contact-us -> /contact 301

The above code should work. Please test the code and feel free to get back here if you need further assistance.

Sadul Sifat.

SEOSpace Team

SEOSpace - The SEO Plugin for Squarespace.

Get a Free Squarespace SEO Audit: https://www.seospace.co.uk/squarespace-seo-audit-score


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