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Help please!

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Please help. I will start by saying I have zero coding/web development experience, so there is probably something fundamentally basic that I'm missing. But I've trawled the forums and done the webinars and I still can't fix this myself, so I hope someone will take mercy on me here! 

I have done all my SEO descriptions and titles, I've added lots of images all with their own descriptions, I've mapped the site on google and I've linked my instagram feed to publish on my website, but my SEO descriptions are still not showing in google as I've written them in squarespace and I'm still not showing up in google when you search for my key work phrases, even by page 20 of the results. 

Example of a key work search I would like to show up on the first page, in google: "Interior Designer Tarporley" - Tarporley is a small village with one other interior designer in this specific area, so even accounting for the other designers from further afield, I would still hope to show up on the first page for this one. My google business listing does come up, but not my website. 

Other searches I would like to come up higher in the search results would be "interior designer Cheshire" or "luxury interior designer Cheshire", "interior designer Chester". I have all of these phrases across my website as much as possible but google still isn't finding me unless you search specifically for "Helena Smith Interiors"

Any help will be much appreciated...  I did look at the hire an expert section on 99 designers but their starting budgets were more than my marketing budget for the whole year! Hoping someone wonderful here, will help a gal out! Thanks!


ps, I will post any attachments required, I just didn't know what might be needed. 

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Hi @HSI If the site is new, it likely just needs more time. As for the descriptions, Google either hasn't crawled the page since you made changes or they think it is poorly written and/or not a good match for the page. 

Have SEO questions? Chances are we've written about it! Try a quick Google search to find our advice. Or for personalized support, see our consulting and training sessions.  Official Squarespace Experts since 2014 

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