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Hide Zero Stock Variants

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Is it possible to hide variants with zero stock? I run our candle storefront have my products set up based upon the fragrances. Then there are variants of the vessel sizes. I don't stock fragrances in all of the vessels all of the time. Instead of it showing "Out of Stock" is there a way that I can hide those out of stock variants so they don't show in the list? ex I may only have stock in 1 variant of a scent and I don't want a list of 6-7 Out of Stock variants. Plus, I don't want to keep adding and removing variants depending on what I make at that time. That's far too time consuming. It would be a lot easier to just to have a setting to hide the ones that have no stock.

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The last 2 variants, 8 oz Tin and 2.25 oz Wax Melts have zero stock. I would like to have a setting that would allow me to hide those options with no stock so it doesn't show Out of Stock in the drop down list. I have others where I only have 1 variant available right now. I would have to remove those variants manually from the list if I didn't want them to show, which is time consuming to navigate 3 levels deep in menus on every product.

Screenshot 2023-07-23 203049.png

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