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Transferring to 7.1, will this disrupt my Acuity scheduling system?

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Hi all -- So I'm in the process of redesigning my website with a 7.1 template. I have Acuity on my old site, but I want to start over with a whole new site and then transfer the domain. Will I be able to easily transfer Acuity over to the new site? Thanks so much!

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As far as I know, you can’t transfer the acuity account to the 7.1 account. If somebody sees this and knows how to do it, please add the info.

What I did when I moved over to 7.1 was when the site was done I went ahead and clicked on the Scheduling tab on the new site which will start a new trial. I copied everything over and then I went in and changed the scheduling, link custom URLs on the old account to something random , and changed the random ones on the new account to what I needed them to be with the custom URLs. 

It's important that you have the right URLs on the active Scheduling account before you delete the old site if you're going to. I did not do that, and it was a headache to fix.


Design: (Recently rolled into the Italian Journey under Services)

Author Coordinates: https://bio.site/sayreambrosio

Italian Journey: https://bio.site/ambrosiosjrnyhm

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