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How to add accordion functionality into product description ?!

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@jpeter I seem to have some issues with the code and the product description txt not having the same position on mobile vs. laptop. 

I also can not manipulate the order with the css injection code:

.ProductItem-additional {
  order: 3;

I injected it into the custom css, but it just does´nt react to it. 

I hope you are still around to help 🙂 - either way - your help was really great with the javascript which i added to the footer as suggested:


  var accordion = document.querySelector('.ProductItem-additional');
  var description = document.querySelector('.ProductItem-details-excerpt');                    
  if(accordion && description) {
    // Remove accordion from current position.
    // Add accordion after the description.

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Skærmbillede 2024-06-12 kl. 15.54.46.png

Skærmbillede 2024-06-12 kl. 15.58.54.png

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4 hours ago, mynovastudio said:

seem to have some issues with the code and the product description txt not having the same position on mobile vs. laptop.

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@creedon thank you for your reply - here is a link to a specific product where an accordion has been added: https://mynovastudio.dk/webshop/p/top-push-pin-snake-go?rq=loke

I have manually added a spacer under the accordion to create a bit of space between the add to cart and accordion, as well. But that must be fixable with som code too.


______ Random comment______

It´s a lot of work having to add the accordion manually to each product like this. It would be such a life hack, if one could add a pre-designed (editable) accordion to a product-section - just like to feature to add a ❤️-section elsewhere. 

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