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Twitter large summary cards

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Site URL: https://agux.co

Is there a way to customize or overwrite the Twitter social image HTML on my site?
Currently, when one of my pages is shared to Twitter, Twitter’s displays the standard summary card:
I would like Twitter to use the large summary card, so shared pages look like this:
Background info:
Per Twitter's developer docs, the summary card with the small image is controlled by this HTML in the HEAD of the document:
<meta name="twitter:card" content="summary" />
The summary card with a large image is controlled by similar HTML:
<meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image">
By default, Squarespace generates the HTML for the standard summary card with the small image.
On my site, I have used code injection to add HTML for the summary with a large image into the HEAD of my documents. I did this both site wide as well as on blog pages:
However, Twitter still uses the summary card with the small image.
Any thoughts?


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  • 9 months later...

Hello all thank you for sharing. I have attempted to do this today for my own website, but it does not seem to be working. I have gone into advanced settings and within header typed the following code: 

<meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image">

This didn't work to create a large image when posting my website html on twitter. So I also included the following:

<meta name="twitter:site" content="@twitterhandle">
<meta name="twitter:title" content="twitter handle name">

If anybody has any suggestions to help with this it would be greatly appreciated. I've bene trying to follow the advice from Twitter but i'm not sure what i'm missing. https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-for-websites/cards/overview/summary-card-with-large-image

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  • 1 year later...
  • 6 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Injecting the second code <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image"> doesn't work. All sites today use this type. 

For it to work developers need to change the line in the source code <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary">

Any news??

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

I've had to fix this myself. Here's some code you can insert in the Website Tools > Code Injection > Header

I've commented it as best as possible. You will replace the '***' bits with your "@username", and you need to get the URL for the image you want to use when it's needed. Squarespace seems to not set the twitter:image for regular pages, but does set it for shop items. I use my site logo by default.

I'm no expert on JavaScript optimization, but this is a functional script. It is pretty efficient, so it shouldn't affect your site loading by any significant amount. It waits for the document to load, then builds a string containing the HTML that contains some comments, the twitter site, and an image if one does not exist.

The twitter card can be left as 'summary' or overwritten to whatever you need ('summary_large_image'). Read the comments.

The image meta element is inserted if it does not exist at all, or if it exists but the content is empty.

Optionally, you can replace the image URL that has been inserted in store items by Squarespace. Be careful to comment or delete this section of code if it is not applicable.

The last line of the function inserts the comment + site + image + ending comment at the end of the <head> section of your page. You can verify with a browser debugging tool.

This gives you a working function that ought to be enough for you to complete your use case.

Good luck!

<!-- Twitter Card Summary Large by Alan Moore (webmaster@poochkingdom.com) -->
// Only run this script after the content has loaded
// Important that this is here
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
	// Optional comments so you can find the injected section
	var commentStart = '<!-- Injected by Twitter Card Summary Large -->';
	var commentEnd = '<!-- End Injected by Twitter Card Summary Large -->';
	// Set up the initial comment and the twitter:site value
	twitterMetaText = commentStart + '<meta name="twitter:site" content="*** Put your @username here ***"/>';
	// Change the twitter card type if you want. Delete the line below if you're ok with it being a summary (the default)
	document.head.querySelector('meta[name="twitter:card"]').setAttribute('content', 'summary_large_image');
	// Find the twitter image meta element
	var twitterMetaImage = document.head.querySelector('meta[name="twitter:image"]');
	// If there's no image meta, or there is and the content is empty
	if(twitterMetaImage == null || (twitterMetaImage && twitterMetaImage.getAttribute('content').length == 0)) {
	    // Insert a default image
	    twitterMetaText += '<meta name="twitter:image" content="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/*** Path to the image you want to display ***">';
	// Only add this section if you want to overwrite the image that's already been inserted by Squarespace
	// If there is already an image and you want to replace it
	else if(twitterMetaImage && twitterMetaImage.getAttribute('content').length > 0) {
	    // The URL to the image can be static, or you can programmatically calculate the value
	    // Uncomment the line below to replace the image
	    // twitterMetaImage.setAttribute('content', 'https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/*** Path to the image you want to display ***');
	// Add the trailing comment
	twitterMetaText += commentEnd;
	// Update the document
	document.head.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeEnd", twitterMetaText);
<!-- End Twitter Card Summary Large -->


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One thing to note. I have added social media share buttons to our product pages with some JavaScript. When I share to X and pre-populate the subject and URL, the card image does not always populate first time. I realized that it is most likely because X reads the raw Squarespace page looking for the "twitter:" meta tags, and the link provided by default is 1500w, and there's nothing you can do to change it.

Also, most importantly, the code above may not work if X reads the raw page. This is because, in the raw page, the card is defaulted to 'summary', and will only have 'summary_large_image' after rendering.

I did find, however, that either a) refreshing the X post page will sometimes pull the image, or b) you must reduce the image size by compressing it a little more. The compressed image will still be the same dimensions, but will be a smaller size. We're trying to keep our compressed images under 500Kb.

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