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Everything posted by efranken

  1. Thank you so much for this!! It worked for me! 🙂 I followed these steps + I adjusted the png file to 144x144 (72 dpi). I hope this helps for others as well. (by isolating the link she means select + copy it and paste it in the code for header code injection).
  2. @paul2009 O sorry, my bad! The URL is https://www.wandertowonder.nl. The weird thing is that I have another website with squarespace (https://www.esmeefranken.com), which I must say is much older then the one above. But that one does show the favicon in Google and I've changed that file to a new one in the past 7/8 months I guess. Funny thing: that file doesn't meet the 48, 96 or 144 pixel rule (the image I used for that is 32 pixels long, I just checked). But it worked apparently.
  3. Same problem here unfortunately. Have optimized the favicon image and it doesn't exceed both image size and file size.
  4. I'm experiencing the same problem. We have an iPad Air 4th generation here that will not show the hamburger menu, even after trying several codes. Because I have a mega menu on my website it's not user friendly on an iPad, which is why I would love to set the hamburger menu for these kind of devices. Hopefully someone can help me/us out? My website is www.wandertowonder.nl. Thanks a million! @jonongec @tuanphan
  5. Thank you so much @tuanphan, it works like a charm!
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