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Everything posted by Buried

  1. So I gave it a go and placed your code (wrapped with <style></style> under my other code. What is seems to do is remove the logo until I scroll back down to its originating position. What I'd like to have happen is for the logo and navigation bars to be invisible until the header scrolls up and sticks to the top of the webpage. What kind of change can I make within your code to make that happen? Thanks again.
  2. Fantastic I will give this a try. Thank you for taking time to do this. Question... if I want this to happen on a certain page do I inject this in the selected page > page settings > advanced > page header code injection? I already have this code in there, do I add a line inside <style> with this code? Thank you. <style> .header { position: sticky!important; top: 0px; margin-top:93vh; border-top: 1px solid #000 } #page .page-section:nth-child(1){ margin-top: -115vh; height: 100vh; margin-bottom: 0vh } </style>
  3. Hello, I am still pretty new at this but feel I have done ok thus far. Here is what I am trying to achieve. I have a rolling sticky header that I would like to be invisible until it hits the top of the page on my mobile site. The reason is because if I stop half way through the scroll and hit the nav bar, the logo will land in various positions sometimes covering the links and it looks funny and inconsistent. The 2 ways I'd like to see this is either (A) The whole header is invisible until it sticks, or (B) Only the navigation bar is invisible until it sticks. I figure if it only appears when the header sticks to the top it will avoid this issue of clicking on the nav bar and looking funny. Of course, if anyone has a different idea I'd like to hear it. The website is www.buriedband.com > Home v2 in nav menu pw: 666 Thanks in advance and your time and knowledge.
  4. This is the closest thing I could find in regards to what I am trying to achieve. I am also very new to this. Question... where do I inject these scripts? I have a site and trying to achieve a scrolling header that sticks to the top. I have achieved that part by adding some code in the page>advanced>code injection so that it is only on that one page. What I am trying to do is make the nav bar be invisible until it sticks to the top I might also have the small logo do the same but would like to see what my options look like. Right now if I stop half way to through the scroll and hit the nav bar on my phone, the small logo also appears and depending where I stop it will lay over the navigation links. I was hoping to find a way for the nav bars to come up once I hit the top of the page. If it helps, the website is www.buriedband.com pw: 666 go to Home v2. Thanks and sorry to jump into this thread.
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