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  1. Hi tuanphan Thanks that is so odd cos the 44G was not made to be clickable.. I had only done it on the two top products, i will try re-creating hte image with all products having links would that make it easier to try break ti down?
  2. Hi tuanphan Did you manage to look at the page / work out what is going wrong with the clickable image please? ~ thank you
  3. Hi tuanphan I have created a duplicate of my site for testing and i have placed the code in on this page .. it is just below the header video. https://antelope-lobster-44t9.squarespace.com/ P/W: test123 thank you for your help.
  4. Hi tuanphan I had used the website you had sent me but it seems that the code don't seem to work.. I had made a new section, went to add code tab, copied n pasted the code in. The image appeared but the area's were not clickable, do you have any solution please? <!-- Image Map Generated by http://www.image-map.net/ --> <img src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/6602fd1083db703b162c47a8/622b4b1c-8ecc-45c6-aa70-5afa9bcbfc5b/Applications.png?format=2500w" usemap="#image-map"> <map name="image-map"> <area target="" alt="LD1094" title="LD1094" href="www.lightgraphix.co.uk" coords="240,205,43" shape="circle"> <area target="" alt="LD154" title="LD154" href="https://www.lightgraphix.co.uk/prod?product=LD155" coords="621,827,52" shape="circle"> </map>
  5. Hi tuanphan Thanks for the help, i will give it a try. I will attempt to do it on a hidden page before doing the live one. Thanks for the help.
  6. Hi tuanphan thanks for the advice, but i am having abit of a issue with trying to work out the image mapping, do you know if there are any tutorials / video tutorials that can help with it please.. i am new to the whole squarespace / html game so trying to get my head around it. Thank you
  7. Hey, i had a look at your site and it looks class.. i have a quick question how did you make your tool bar change colour // animate to go smaller like you did ? did you follow a tutorial?
  8. OMG I have been trying to find something like this for my site, i am going to try put it into action this week.. thanks!! i don't suppose you have a image map tutorial/ extension do you? thanks
  9. Hi Tuan, Hello again.. so a basic example is on this video, this is where i learn the scroll effect but i would just like the effect to happen but i would just like to the bottom fold to scroll over my header image but not each section scroll to the top and stick like this video does that make sense? so i would like to have my header image be stuck and and the bottom contnet just scroll over it like normal ..
  10. @tuanphan ok thanks, i will give it a search .. thanks for the keyword
  11. This looks great, this is exactly something i am trying to do on my website, do you have a video tutorial of how you did it please?
  12. Hello all, I have created my square space one page landing page and i am happy with the way it has come out but there are a few tweaks i would like to adjust if possible.. I would like to know if there is a way i can have the bottom half of my page scroll above my header video. I just want the first section to scroll over it an then the rest of the page scroll like normal.. i have found tutorials where the page stacks upon its-self, i had applied this but it looked odd for what i wanted for my site as i would just like the first section to go over the header an then do a normal scroll.. is this possible? could i get some assistance please. My site is www.lightgraphixmarine.co.uk Thank you Trevor
  13. Does anyone know how or have help wit this please?
  14. I would like something like that as well for my site so the page scrolls over the header video
  15. Hi, I am new to square space and have created my first square space website.. now the site is launched i would like to go back over and customise / develop the site for better user experiences. One of the snags on my list is to make the following image have clickable links, firstly is this possible? I would like the ability for the user to be able to click on one of our products which leads them to our main product page on our parent site. At the moment the image is just a click through but would be ideal if they click on a certain product it will go to the products individual page rather then our product overview page. the URL to our site is www.lightgraphixmarine.co.uk thank you in advance Trev
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