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    MoeTalks reacted to creedon in remove site footer from individual blog post   
    As you've noted you can do it with CSS but it is tedious.
    I know of no code that currently does the following. My general approach to such a problem would be to use tags to indicate to some code which posts should have their footer hidden. Then the code adds a class to the page so that CSS would know to hide the footer. There are a couple of ways you could slice this problem but the end effect would visually be the same.
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    MoeTalks got a reaction from tuanphan in Remove padding from gallery in 7.1   
    This worked for me as well.  Thanks @tuanphan
  3. Like
    MoeTalks reacted to tuanphan in Remove padding from gallery in 7.1   
    You can add this to Website Tools (under Not Linked) > Custom CSS
    /* Gallery space */ .gallery-strips.gallery-strips--layout-strips { padding-top: 0px !important; } .gallery-grid.gallery-grid--layout-grid { padding-bottom: 10px !important; }  
  4. Like
    MoeTalks reacted to josieng in Full bleed image for blog post   
    Thanks @Ziggy - I think this is great for the banner bit! But, I'm looking to be able to add new sections, which allow for full-bleed images into the blog post. Since the blog doesn't yet allow "new sections", I'm stuck with working with images that do not go full bleed, and instead stay within the constrained width of the blog post
    Here's another example https://www.chloeleonard.com/portfolio/feminine-chic-photography-branding
  5. Like
    MoeTalks got a reaction from tuanphan in Force Header, footer and and Images to stay within Squarespace Max Width Margin   
    Someone please tell me why o why?  Why is it that every time I feel like i've exhausted all remedies and hope on finding an answer and I reach out to this forum, all of a sudden I find it.  It's taken me 2.5 hours to find this answer AND on top of that, it was from on old circle member in this forum (https://forum.squarespace.com/profile/9595-rwp/)
    Not sure is he is still on but thank you for this code.  Now I have to figure out then what exactly does the margin-width do but that's another day.  This can be closed.
    #header {
        max-width: 1920px;
        margin: auto;
    section.page-section {
        max-width: 1920px;
        margin: auto;
  6. Like
    MoeTalks got a reaction from Beyondspace in Video player flashing black on page load   
    Here is what I did Tuanphan and something I am noticing with Squarespace.  Sections can get corrupt.  I ended up deleting the section completely, then creating a new section, adding the video back to the new section and I have no problems whatsoever now.  
  7. Like
    MoeTalks reacted to jasonconway in Video player flashing black on page load   
    I have a new site that uses a full-width video block under the header.
    When it loads, I see a black screen flash before the video plays. Is there a way to remove the black so the video appears smoothly? Ideally, it should be set to transparent so that it appears seamlessly over the purple background colour.
    The password to view the site is: ampersand
    The video is only 5.7 MB in size, and it's really annoying to see the black flash.
    The site is a trial currently
    Many thanks in advance,
  8. Like
    MoeTalks reacted to WillDOP in Creating subcategories on Video content   
    I'm also trying to find a way to create sub categories on video pages as the single categories are not specific enough for a large collection of videos. Does anyone know if this is yet possible?
    Thanks :)
  9. Like
    MoeTalks reacted to tuanphan in Change blog title size   
    Have you tried finding in Site Style yet?
    You can also add this code to Home > Design > Custom CSS
    h1.blog-title a { font-size: 20px; font-weight: 900 !important; }  
  10. Like
    MoeTalks reacted to jc0022 in Text blocks are changing size repeatedly   
    I am experiencing this problem as well. This is a major disaster. I'll properly format for mobile, and the same blocks are way too big on desktop. When I get them right on a 1920x1080 screen, I resize to a medium size window and everything is severely broken again: way oversized.
    This has been very embarrassing for me. I would be able to deliver a site much more efficiently abandoning squarespace for hand-coding at this point. SquareSpace, do you have any response to the issues raised in this thread? I need to know if I need to abandon the platform, because this is a total deal-breaker.
  11. Like
    MoeTalks got a reaction from Beyondspace in [FreeShare] 7.1 Gallery Block Workaround   
    Hey Beyondspace.  No,  your script was perfect and is working  I was testing and using it for a pay that I had but then got inspired to do something else, which is why I deleted my original one, but I plan on re-implementing my gallery again on a new page/section.  I had so many ideas, but I needed to sit down and plot out what I wanted, so no, your script was PERFECT  
  12. Like
    MoeTalks got a reaction from Beyondspace in [FreeShare] 7.1 Gallery Block Workaround   
    I will do what you did in the video, test it, and let you know what I find.  I ended up deleting my other gallery so I will have to recreate one but I don't mind.  
  13. Like
    MoeTalks reacted to Beyondspace in [FreeShare] 7.1 Gallery Block Workaround   
    12-Mar-2024 Updates: 🔮
    I just made some changes to Classic Gallery block, now it allows you to choose existing galleries, just like 7.0 did! You can create a Gallery block or Section on a blank page and the existing gallery will be available to choose.
    If you have a dropdown name exactly `Classic Gallery Pages`, the code will look for pages inside that dropdown only, help reduce the time comparing to seeking gallery on all other pages...
    This video show the feature in action
    - 0:00 to 00:59 shows the content of the normal pages with galleries and how to choose the existing gallery in a gallery block
    - 00:59 shows how a new page with gallery is created and it shows up on existing page list

    Kapture 2024-03-12 at 09.08.20.mp4
  14. Like
    MoeTalks reacted to andreaball in Infuriating content movement issue   
    OMG Help! What's the deal do you have to add all your text first? I have to keep redesigning the page over and over. 
  15. Like
    MoeTalks reacted to LucasPocus in Infuriating content movement issue   
    Hello! I am absolutely in love with the new fluid engine. I love everything about it, except for one major issue: Typing can cause everything on my entire page to move.
    There's nothing more frustrating than spending time on a page, and typing in a text box, just to have one backspace, or one new line of text added, suddenly cause 50 or 100 rows of content across the entire page move up/down. This may force me to re-move every single item on the page back into its correct position. This may happen multiple times while editing a page. While some "hacks/tricks" help reduce the chance of this happening, such as dragging the text box to be far larger than I need, its not full proof. One backspace too far, and the entire enlarged chat box may shrink down to the size of just the text, and cause multiple rows of content to now all jump upwards on the page.
    This has cost me possibly hours of pointless repetition at this point.
    Request: Please make it so text boxes expanding/shrinking do NOT have any effect on the movement of all other content. If I want to move something, I will move it myself. I've spent hours re-doing placements because of this.
    Additionally: A simple + and - sign beside the row your mouse is aimed at, to add or remove a row would be incredibly helpful. Sometimes I may decide I want to put x item at the top, and need to move every item on the page down. Dragging helps, but sometimes pages are too large. A "hack" I use at the moment is actually the very thing I complained about. I'll use a text box, drag it to be the full width of the page, place this text box at the top of the page, and hit enter a few times, to move the entire website down. This is very makeshift though, and official support for a simple +/- row option to the side would be significantly better. 
  16. Like
    MoeTalks reacted to creedon in Page Code & CSS Organization - Best Practice/Tips/Ideas/   
    I generally use the same pattern as @tuanphan. Get the code as close to the elements it affects. 
    Some folks tend to avoid per page code injections and use the site-wide code injections.
    Use whatever method works best for you but as @tuanphan mentions sometimes the nature of the effect can also drive where the code is stored.
    There is no right answer and each method has pros and cons.
  17. Like
    MoeTalks reacted to tuanphan in Page Code & CSS Organization - Best Practice/Tips/Ideas/   
    I usually insert CSS code into the Page Header if the code only affects one page. (or use Code Block, if use Personal Plan) Use CSS in CSS boxes if it affects all pages Sometimes I use CSS in Code Injection, if the code is directly related to the script code already inserted there. For example, if I use script code to insert the Second Logo, and I need CSS to resize the logo, I will insert the CSS there too. If the CSS code is too long, I'll usually create a CSS file, paste all CSS there, and then declare it to Code Injection Header via <link rel="stylesheet" href="link to css file"/> For all code, I will add a Comment line, so I know what the code will do, for easy editing.  
  18. Like
    MoeTalks got a reaction from mkngsq in Editing in Markdown on Squarespace: Cursor Always Moves from editing spot   
    Hi Ziggy.  Code, unfortunately, does not make it easily readable like markdown, and I lose my ability to wrap text around an image.  No worries about this.  I can just use a simple markdown editor outside of Squarespace and copy it back in.  Please close this.  You all have better things to do than worry about this, and I appreciate your assistance.  Thanks.
  19. Like
    MoeTalks got a reaction from MilesWeb in Video Library Template Plugin   
    Hi Miles.  Thank you for your suggestion.  I'm struggling with upgrading because I will in no way be shopping or selling goods or anything like that at all, but it appears that while I can insert some CSS code into my page, some I can't and requires Java, which means an upgrade and I'm just trying to justify what I can do now versus what I can't do and the problem is I only know what I can't do when I can't do it.  I will do a little more research on what upgrading offers me in terms of design control because, ultimately, that's what I'm looking for.  Thank you again for responding. I appreciate it.
  20. Like
    MoeTalks reacted to iPhoneIntact in Text blocks are changing size repeatedly   
    My experience over the last several months of updating and editing my site has been that small changes in one area will for some unknown reason lead to multiple blocks in other areas getting longer - essentially doubling in length, requiring the tedious 'reforming' of sections of blocks. 
    For example I can take a section of invisible (to the end user) code out of an embed, and then later discover adjacent text blocks have resized themselves, pushing or overlapping other blocks, and ruined the format/readability of the section. This can happen on any page, seemingly at any time. Can't figure out why exactly, because doesn't happen every time, but enough for me to have to google it and come here about it. Like Tankgurl said, very frustrating.
  21. Like
    MoeTalks reacted to andreaball in Infuriating content movement issue   
    Sometimes when I added text, everything stayed in the correct position, other times it bumped everything below it. Is there a way to lock elements? 
    Text moves other elements.mov
  22. Like
    MoeTalks reacted to andreaball in Infuriating content movement issue   
    Is there any way to lock images/video/text after you place them? Everything keeps getting bumped and moved around. Additionally, the text boxes keep resizing. What's the deal? Is there any way to avoid redesigning the entire page after you make an adjustment? 
  23. Like
    MoeTalks reacted to ldybudd in Video Collection Individual Video Page -- Changing the size of the video   
    Must have had a mistake in my earlier @media statements as having the following seems to have solved the mobile display. Now I just need to define position and I will have it where I want it.
    .lesson-video-wrapper  {width:640px!important;
      margin:5% 20%}

    @media only screen and (max-width:500px){
    .lesson-video-wrapper  {
  24. Like
    MoeTalks got a reaction from rothko20 in Custom description and "prev / next" links for Slideshow 7.1   
    I would like to know this as well.
  25. Like
    MoeTalks got a reaction from Ziggy in Editing in Markdown on Squarespace: Cursor Always Moves from editing spot   
    Hi Ziggy.  Code, unfortunately, does not make it easily readable like markdown, and I lose my ability to wrap text around an image.  No worries about this.  I can just use a simple markdown editor outside of Squarespace and copy it back in.  Please close this.  You all have better things to do than worry about this, and I appreciate your assistance.  Thanks.
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