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  1. @tuanphan doesnt scroll down properly on that(https://www.novamjewelry.com/takilar) and its english version (https://www.novamjewelry.com/jewelryen). This happens on ios and it seems like its getting stuck on the header and getting pushed back to the top(if you push it too hard). Not sure if i identified it correctly but if you have an ios device it should be easy to notice(If not i can provide a video of it). Fiddling with site animations tab made it better but didnt solve the problem.
  2. I am also experiencing a similiar problem. (https://www.novamjewelry.com/) this is the site i'm working on. And my client states that he cant scroll down properly in (https://www.novamjewelry.com/takilar) part of it(happens only on ios). For some reason it pulls to the top at some points or stuters. Tried using what @tuanphan suggested in a similiar topic which is: body { overflow-x: hidden; } but it it didnt fix the issue for me and since i dont know how to code i cant modify it to suit my needs. I am using some code to make gallery on the home page slide at that may be the cause of it but if thats the case then i need another solution to make that gallery slide. So asking for help! @tuanphan this is the code i am using for the sliding gallery: #page { overflow-x:hidden } .gallery-grid-wrapper { display:flex !important; animation: slideshow 30s linear infinite } .gallery-grid-wrapper .gallery-grid-item { min-width: 35%; margin-right: 5% } @keyframes slideshow { 0% { left: 0; } 100% { left: -180%; } }
  3. i had a similiar issue and fiddling with "animations" tab fixed it for me. Its under "site styles"(paint brush icon).
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