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Posts posted by Sifat_SEOSpace

  1. Hi @canaldingo,

    I'm happy to help! It sounds like you're tackling a couple of different challenges with your Google Business Profile (GBP) profile and Local Business schema. Could you please confirm me that you used custom code for the local schema?  I'll be able to provide you with a potential solution.

    I am looking forward to hearing from you.

    Best wishes,
    Sadul Sifat

  2. Hi @AshleyAR,

    I'm happy to help you.

    Yes, this dropdown menu automatically creates a 302 redirect. It's a Squarespace functionality and won't affect your website's search engine performance.

    If you'd like to fix this with custom coding (though I'm not 100% sure), you can try the following:

    • Add the below code into your Settings » Advanced » Code Injection » Footer area. This code will turn any folder, with a url that ends in -folder/, into a clickable folder. The url preceding the -folder/ will be the clickthrough url. For example, in the below example the folder will clickthrough to the page /pagename

    • Code:

      (function () {
      let folders;
      function rebuildAnchor(folder) {
      let parent = folder.closest('.header-nav-item--folder'),
      href = folder.href.includes('.com') ? folder.href.split('.com')[1].replace("-folder/", "") : folder.href.replace("-folder/", ""),
      anchorClone = folder.cloneNode(true);
      anchorClone.setAttribute('href', href);
      anchorClone.style.cssText = `
      opacity: 1;
      transform: unset;
      parent.insertAdjacentElement('afterbegin', anchorClone);
      if (href == window.location.pathname) {
      function addToMobile(folder) {
      let href = folder.getAttribute("href"),
      hrefAdjusted = href.includes('.com') ? href.split('.com')[1].replace("-folder/", "") : href.replace("-folder/", ""),
      text = folder.innerText,
      newText = `All ${text}`,
      mobileFolder = document.querySelector(`[data-folder="${href}"]`),
      backButton = mobileFolder.querySelector(".header-menu-nav-folder-content > *:first-of-type"),
      allButton = `<div class="container header-menu-nav-item header-menu-nav-item--external">
      <a href="${hrefAdjusted}">${newText}</a>
      backButton.insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', allButton)
      /* Select All Folder Links & */
      function setFolderLinks() {
      folders = document.querySelectorAll('.header-display-desktop .header-nav-folder-title[href*="-folder/"]');
      for (let folder of folders) {
      window.addEventListener('load', function() {


    If you've any further question, feel free to ask.


    Best wishes,
    Sadul Sifat

  3. Hi @The-Doctor,

    I'm happy to help. To update your Squarespace site's sitemap in the Google Search Console after making changes and wanting to expedite the process, you can take the following steps:

    • Resubmit Your Sitemap: You can resubmit your sitemap to Google Search Console to prompt a re-crawl and indexing of your updated content.
    • Check Last Read Value: In Google Search Console, check the Last Read value for your sitemap to ensure it reflects the last time you submitted the URL. This can give you an indication of when Google last processed your sitemap and whether your recent submissions have been acknowledged.
    • Google may still take some time to crawl and index the updated content, especially if there have been significant changes or additions to your site. Allow Google some time to process the request and update its search results accordingly.

    By following these steps and being patient, you can help ensure that Google re-crawls and updates your Squarespace sitemap in a timely manner.

    If you require further clarification, please don't hesitate to ask.

    Sadul Sifat

  4. Hi @evemarden,

    I’m happy to help you. I understand your concern. Below, I’ve added a few insights that might be helpful:

    • Snippets are generated automatically from page content, emphasizing and previewing the most relevant information for a user's specific search.
    • Google Search may present different snippets for different search queries.

    I hope these insights help. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.

    Sadul Sifat.


    I'm glad to help you. Below, I've added insights that might be helpful:

    • Using Weglot for a multilingual website with the same content, Google recognizes the unique pages and does not consider them duplicates. 
    • You do not need to create subdomains. Weglot automatically translates and displays your content, ensuring that each page is unique and indexed correctly by Google.
    • But if you want to set up language-specific subdomains (e.g., a French website would be https://fr.websitename/French), then you need to create a subdomain. Would you mind letting me know?

    If you've any further questions, don't hesitate to ask.

    Sadul Sifat


  6. Hi - @smilebeard
    I'm happy to help you. Based on my analysis it seems the issue you are facing with a Soft 404 error in Google Search Console is likely due to one of the following reasons:

    • Your homepage is returning a 200 OK status code, but the content on the page is not substantial enough or is misleading Google to think the page does not exist. This can happen if you have custom coded elements or a background video that is not properly implemented.
    • You may have pages on your website, such as empty search result pages, product category pages, or blog category pages, that have little to no content. Google may be interpreting these as soft 404 pages since they expect these types of pages to return a 404 Not Found status code.
    • There could be issues with how your server is handling missing pages, where it is returning a 200 OK status code instead of a proper 404 Not Found. This can confuse Google and cause it to label the page as a soft 404.

    To resolve this issue, I would recommend the following steps:

    Review the content and structure of your homepage to ensure it has sufficient, unique and relevant content.

    1. Check your custom coded elements and background video implementation to make sure they are not causing issues with how the page is rendered for Google's crawlers.
      1. Your home page haven’t h1 tag. Make sure you place your keyword on h1 your home page.
        1. Check out this video: How to Optimize H1s for SEO on Squarespace.
      1. Ensure your meta description is 150-160 characters long and include the main keyword you want to rank for.
        1. Check out this video: How to Edit and Optimize Meta Description
      2. Ensure your SEO titles are 50-60 characters long - this is optimal for displaying on search engines.
        1. Check out this video: How to Edit and Optimize SEO Titles in Squarespace
    2. Examine any other pages on your site that may have little to no content, such as search result pages or category pages, and either add more content to them or return a proper 404 Not Found status code for those pages.
    3. Ensure your server is configured to return the correct 404 Not Found status code for missing pages, rather than a 200 OK. This will help Google properly identify and handle those pages.

    By addressing these potential issues, you should be able to resolve the Soft 404 error in Google Search Console and have your website properly indexed again. If you've any further question, feel free to ask.

    Sadul Sifat


  7. Hi - @Brad_S,

    I'm glad to help you.

    Squarespace automatically generates a sitemap for your website, so you don't need to create one manually. 

    But you can submit your sitemap by using Google Search Console. To submit your Squarespace sitemap to Google Search Console:

    • Log into your Google Search Console account and select the website property you want to add the sitemap to.
    • In the "Index" section, select "Sitemaps".
    • Click "Add a new sitemap" and enter the URL of your sitemap.
    • Click "Submit".
    • You can check out this video from 3:19:

    Google will then start crawling your sitemap to index your website's pages more effectively. No further action is required on your part, as Squarespace automatically updates your sitemap whenever you add or remove pages from your website.

    Sadul Sifat.

  8. Hi - @jarrettweber,

    I'm Happy to help. Below, I've added a few potential insights and resources that might be helpful:

    Keyword Research: 

    • Keywords are the foundation of SEO. They help you understand what your audience is interested in and how they search for your products or services.
    • You can use tools like Google Keyword Planner or Ahrefs to find keywords with good search volumes and relatively low competition. 
    • For more information, you can check this webinar: Keyword Research - Live SEOSpace Webinar.

    Quality Content: Quality content attracts and retains visitors, encouraging them to engage with your site. Google favors content that is helpful and relevant to users.

    On-Page SEO: 

    Off-Page SEO:

    Technical SEO:

    • Technical SEO improvements help search engines access, crawl, interpret, and index your website without any problems, which is crucial for ranking.
    • Improve your website's loading speed, ensure it is mobile-friendly, secure it with HTTPS, create a sitemap.xml, and optimize your robots.txt file. Regularly audit your site to find and fix crawl errors.

    You can use SEOSpace's tools, like the SEO audit feature, to identify and rectify technical issues. Their site audit tools are specifically designed for Squarespace platforms.


    Following these steps will create a strong SEO foundation that enhances your website's visibility and attracts more organic traffic. Remember, SEO is an iterative process that requires ongoing adjustments to improve website visibility.


  9. Hi @martinrbk,

    I'm glad to help you. 

    Your blog posts are indexed but not appearing in Google search results for your blog topics, and there could be several reasons for this issue. Below, I've added a few potential insights that might be helpful:

    Let's Discuss Some Findings From My End:

    • On some of the blogs, you cannot properly describe product descriptions, benefits, features, and how products help the user.




    • Your page speed is not optimal. This is one of the technical SEO reasons for ranking issues.



    Here are My Recommendations:

    • Optimize your H1: Your blogs have only placed keywords like "Metal detector test 2024." However, in your content, you talk about many kinds of products, and the intent does not match your keyword. This can confuse Google Crawler. Optimize your H1 by adding related phrases or adjectives.
    • Focus on Keywords: Ensure that your blog posts are optimized for relevant keywords related to the topics. Google ranks pages based on keyword relevance, so make sure your content includes keywords users are likely to search for when looking for information on that topic.
    • Focus on Quality Content: Ensure your page content is high-quality, valuable, and relevant to your target audience. Google prioritizes content that provides real value to users. Ensure your main keyword is included in the page H1.
    • Focus on Page Speed: In Wordpress, you can use the WP Rocket plugin to boost your website's page speed.
    • Build Backlinks: Backlinks from reputable websites are an important ranking factor for Google. Acquire high-quality backlinks to your blog posts from relevant and authoritative sources within your industry or niche.
    • Remember that ranking can take time, especially for new content. Keep an eye on your Google Search Console regularly for updates on ranking status and continue optimizing your website for better visibility.

    • You will find the full SEO checklist here and If you prefer to receive personalized recommendations on your website, check out SEOSpace.


    I hope these insights are helpful. If you have any further questions. Please feel free to ask.

    Sadul Sifat.

  10. Hi @abbiericher,

    I’m happy to help you. I understand your concern. Let me help you out. Here are a couple of potential solutions:

    • Unfortunately, on Squarespace, you can’t implement the 410 status code. URL Mappings only allow us to implement 301 and 302 status codes.

    Consider the importance of the deleted pages:

    1. If they were valuable and had good traffic, it's advisable to implement 301 redirects to relevant pages to retain traffic and preserve SEO benefits. You can watch this video to see how to add the 301 redirects.
      • Format:
        • /OLD-URL -> /NEW-URL 301
      • To reduce the impact of the redirections, make sure you replace the old URLs from the other posts/pages (internal links if you've) with the new URLs.
    2. If they weren't significant and had minimal traffic, you can submit URL removal requests for the deleted pages via Google Search Console, and Google will remove those pages from the index and search results.

    • After submitting the URL removal request, remove all the internal links (if you have any) to those pages so that Google doesn’t crawl them.

    If you require further clarification, please don't hesitate to ask.

    Sadul Sifat.

  11. Hi @PEN_72,

    I’m happy to help you. I understand your concern. Below, I’ve added a few potential insights that might be helpful:

    • I’ve checked it on my end. According to my analysis, you're redirecting your URL with a slash (/). That is why it redirects to the same URL when I click the page.


    • Could you please check the URL redirects to ensure that 301 redirects are correctly set up without slashes (/)? If not, please set up a 301 redirect [without the slash (/)] using URL mapping. You can watch this video to see how to add the 301 redirects.
      • Format:
        • /OLD-URL -> /NEW-URL 301
    • If you have an old WordPress website's Google Search Console account, you can send a URL removal request. This will prompt Google to remove your old website URLs from the SERP.

    I hope these insights help. If you have further questions, please feel free to ask.

    Sadul Sifat.


  12. Hi @Ferdiii_Naaand,

    I'm glad to help you. I understand the frustration this situation may cause. Here are some insights that might be helpful:

    • I've noticed that your new domain's home page is indexed, but the old domain's home is still showing on Google. This can be confusing for Google. That is why you are facing this issue.



    • To resolve this, I recommend adding your old domain as a secondary domain. This will enable automatic redirection to the new domain.



    • Once implemented, perform a live test using Google Search Console and submit an index request to refresh the data.



    I hope this resolves the issue. Let me know if you encounter any further difficulties.

    Sadul Sifat.


  13. Hi - @RobGorrell,

    Thank you for installing the SEOSpace plugin. I'm glad to help you with your concerns. Here are some insights that might be helpful:

    • It's true that Squarespace suggests keeping images under 500K for optimal performance. However, the recommendation to compress images to less than 250K can be beneficial for site speed, which is a crucial factor in SEO. Faster loading times can improve your user experience and search engine rankings.
    • Editing SEO Titles and Meta Descriptions: You can customize SEO titles and meta descriptions for individual blog posts in the Squarespace blog editor:
      • Go to your Squarespace dashboard and select your blog.
      • Choose the post you want to edit, then click the settings > SEO > SEO title > Meta Description
      • Check out these videos for guidance:






    I hope these insights help you. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.


    Sadul Sifat.

  14. Hi @ChelseaBPhoto,

    I'm happy to help. I understand your concern. Below, I've added a few methods in the below that might be helpful:

    • If all the old posts belong to a single category, you can hide (noindex tag) the entire category from search results.
      • Open your website > Click blog settings > Click SEO > 
      • Hide from search engine result > All pages in this collection.
      • For a better understanding, you can check this screenshot: https://prnt.sc/SCcsL9JhlCTK
    • For individual pages, you can manually add a "no index" tag.
      • Navigate to each blog post.
      • Click on the SEO tab in the page settings.
      • Toggle the "Hide page from search results" option.
      • For a better understanding, you can check this screenshot: https://prnt.sc/Zn1-ZpLCecKC
    • Please note that the code injection method, which involves adding <meta name= "robots" content= "noindex">, is available in Business and Commerce plans.

    I hope these methods are helpful. If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask.

    Sadul Sifat.

  15. Hi - @mhuk01,

    Happy to help. Below, I've added a few solutions that might be helpful:

    • If this is a new website, it's common for newly published websites to take some time to appear in search results. You can submit your sitemap to Google Search Console so that Google can discover your pages efficiently.
    • You can use the URL Inspection Tool on Google Search Console to perform live tests for the URL and submit indexing requests while doing the live tests. It will help refresh the data in the search results.
    • You can implement website structure datamarkup. 

    <script type="application/ld+json">
        "@context": "https://schema.org",
        "@type": "WebSite",
        "name": "My Site Title",
        "alternateName": ["Site name", "name"],
        "url": "https://www.example.com/"

    Please keep in mind that Google's crawling and indexing process may take some time to reflect changes or updates made to your site's

    I hope these solutions are helpful. If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask.

    Sadul Sifat.

  16. Hi @PEN_72,

    I'm happy to help. I understand your concern. Below, I've added a few solutions that might be helpful:

    Can you please double-check your URL mapping settings to ensure there are no conflicting redirects or unintended configurations.

    If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.

    Sadul Sifat.

  17. Hi- @AH2

    I’m happy to help you. Below, I’ve added a few potential solutions that might be helpful:

    • Squarespace doesn't allow us to edit robots.txt files. Your homepage URL slug, canonical is perfect, and the sitemap is optimal.



    • Ensure your meta description is 150-160 characters long and includes the main keyword you want to rank for.
    • Ensure your SEO titles are 50-60 characters long - this is optimal for displaying on search engines.
    • If this is a new website, it's common for newly published websites to take some time to appear in search results. You can submit your sitemap to Google Search Console so that Google can discover your pages efficiently.
    • You can use the URL Inspection Tool on Google Search Console to perform live tests for the URL and submit indexing requests while doing the live tests. It will help refresh the data in the search results.

    I hope these insights are helpful. If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask.

    Best regards,

  18. Hi @Design2Deploy,

    I am happy to help! Below, I've provided some potential insights that might be helpful:

    In Squarespace, by default, all links added to your website are "do-follow." This means search engines will follow these links and consider them when assessing the relevance and authority of the linked page.

    • If you want to make a link "no-follow" on Squarespace, you'll need to add a rel=nofollow attribute to the link.
    • Unfortunately, Squarespace's built-in link editor doesn't allow us to add the rel="nofollow" attribute directly. To make a link "nofollow" in Squarespace, you can follow these steps:
      • Add code blog on your content page, you can add the following code:
        Your text here 
        <a href="https://example.com" rel="nofollow">anchor text</a> 
        Your text here 


    I hope these insights are helpful. If you have any further questions. Please feel free to ask.

    Thank you,
    Sadul Sifat.

  19. Hi - @MarieD,

    I am happy to help! The "discovered, not indexed" notification usually means that Google has crawled your blog pages but hasn't indexed them yet. Below, I've provided some potential insights that might be helpful:

    After submitting the indexing request, you can verify whether Google has indexed your page. If you find that your blogs are still not indexed, here are some additional insights to consider:

    • Focus on Quality Content: Ensure your blog content is high-quality, valuable, and relevant to your target audience. Google prioritizes content that provides real value to users.
    • Internal Linking: Keep internally linking your blog posts to other relevant pages on your website. Internal linking helps Google discover and index your content more efficiently.
    • Implement Schema Data Markup: You can add schema to your blog post. This can enhance the visibility of your pages in search results.
      • For example: FAQ schema, Article Schema, Arthur Schema.
    • Remember that indexing can take time, especially for new content. Keep an eye on your Google Search Console regularly for updates on indexing status and continue optimizing your website for better visibility.
    • You will find the full Squarespace SEO checklist here and If you prefer to receive personalized recommendations on your website, check out SEOSpace.

    I hope these insights are helpful. If you have any further questions. Please feel free to ask.

    Thank you,
    Sadul Sifat.


  20. Hi @Stratus,

    Thanks for sharing the screenshots. I'm happy to help. Your code needs some modifications.

    Please remove the codes you added and add the following instead (please do not alter anything).

    /services -> /document-destruction 301
    /contact-us -> /contact 301

    The above code should work. Please test the code and feel free to get back here if you need further assistance.

    Sadul Sifat.

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