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  1. Still having two issues with the lightbox. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 1) In the lightbox, the arrow keys (on desktop) only trigger the image to advance. When advancing images using the arrow key, the caption for the previous image remains visible for about one second, then the captions disappear entirely. 2) When the lightbox is closed then reopened, it opens with the caption for the last viewed image visible, which disappears after about a second. If using clicks to advance the images the correct caption shows up for the next image, but if using arrows to advance the images no caption appears (as mentioned above). My site is https://www.jeff-castleman.com Not sure if this is a java or CSS issue, and my knowledge of both is basically non-existent, so I'm at a loss. Thanks in advance for any time anyone spends to figure this out! --Jeff
  2. Okay I think I got it! I used the following code to reduce the size of the lightbox by 10%, which gives the second line of caption text enough room and scales pretty well when the browser window is resized. .gallery-lightbox-item img { top: 0 !Important; height: 90% !important; } If you wanna see how it works... https://www.jeff-castleman.com
  3. Thank you for the response! The URL is jeff-castleman.com. @tuanphan you've already given me some help on it through a different thread :)
  4. Yes, when I make the caption one line it's okay. But when I make the caption two lines or more the text overlaps the image depending on the browser window size. I attached an image where the title is overlapping the image a bit, and it goes even further into the image if I make the browser window smaller. Only the bottom line of text stays out of the image. Is there a way to add padding around the entire text block? Or a way to increase the space around the bottom of the image to make room for a second line of text?
  5. On further inspection, it looks like the captions only lag when using the the keyboard arrow keys to advance the image. On chrome when I use the arrow keys sometimes the caption for the next image doesn't even show up. The old caption remains for about a second, then just goes blank.
  6. I'm also having the issue of the previous caption remaining visible for about one second after clicking to the next image in the lightbox. Once the pages are cached the captions load normally, but the delay occurs. I'm only having the issue on desktop, on mobile the captions load fine. Has anyone had any success figuring this out? Thanks!
  7. Thank you @tuanphan for the quick response! #1: I'd like to move the text down so it's under the image. #2: That makes sense. Thank you for explaining. One more thing: I'm also noticing that the font is different on desktop and mobile. I'm using Aktiv Grotesk on my site, so I inserted that into the code for the captions, like this: .light-caption { visibility: hidden; position: fixed; font: p2; font-family: aktiv grotesk; color:black; font-size: 14px; line-height: 1.4em; text-align: center; bottom: 20px; left: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%); margin: 0; } It seems to work on desktop but on mobile it looks like a default serif font (maybe Times New Roman?). Thanks again for the help!
  8. Thank you so much to everyone on this thread! I have the captions in the light box but would greatly appreciate some assistance on a couple issues: Issue 1: I'm just having an issue with the captions overlapping the image. I have four lines of caption, and only the last two are outside the image area. This is an issue on both desktop and mobile. Is there a way to make the image resize when the browser window is enlarged/condensed so it never goes below the top line of text? Issue 2: I'd like the caption text to align with the left side of the image. Right now it's in the middle. Is there any way to do this? Here is the site. https://www.jeff-castleman.com/portfolio/photography The issues can be seen in the first two images in this gallery (the lips and the lighter). Thank you, -Jeff
  9. Is there a way to fix the blog pagination navigation buttons so they are always visible at the bottom of the page. I'd like them to always be visible at the bottom of the page so that on image pages with lots of content visitors can skip to the next section without scrolling all the way to the bottom. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
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