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  1. Thank you very much @melody495! I tried your solution but since I have a bilingual site I can't afford to change all texts manually with this method. I guess the quickest way is to just use one font that looks good in both Chinese and English. What do you think?
  2. Hi @melody495! Added just now, as you can see from my screenshot, the Chinese font changed to Noto Serif but the English font also changed. I'd like it to remain Baskerville Poster PT like before. 😞 Really appreciate your help, thank you so much!
  3. Hi @melody495, here's the quote that I use to apply Noto Serif for the Chinese text: @font-face { font-family: 'NOTO Serif'; src: url('https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5e934051ea41e51dc718dd8d/t/653a370374cec457f5dc63aa/1698314059472/NotoSerifTC-Regular.otf'); } h2, h3 { font-family: 'NOTO Serif'; } But I don't like how it renders the English text so I'm wondering if I can use a different font for each language. 😞 Thank you, looking forward to your answer!
  4. Hi everyone, Much help needed from all CSS experts out there! 🥲 Site: falcon-oboe-ej5c.squarespace.com I have a bilingual site in Traditional Chinese and English, my headings are using a serif font named "Baskerville Poster PT", it displays English nicely on desktop, the Chinese part also shows up as a serif on desktop, however on mobile you can see the Chinese shows up as a random sans-serif and that's what I'd like to change. I'd like the website to load up Google Font "Noto Serif Traditional Chinese" for the Chinese, while the English part remains using "Baskerville Poster PT". https://fonts.google.com/noto/specimen/Noto+Serif+TC I tried using the font family command but failed, on mobile the Chinese part still shows up as a sans-serif: h2, h3, h4 { font-family: 'baskerville-poster-pt', 'Noto Serif TC', serif; } Attached are screenshots on desktop and mobile. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!
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