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Everything posted by PrAgEu

  1. I tried everything to get a <2.5s LCP on PageSpeed Insights and https://www.webpagetest.org/ but unfortunately I can't make it. This is what I've done: Compress all the images Having "only" 2 fonts (1 of them is a custom font) Removing all the unnecessary custom CSS Moving the cookie banner code in the footer Changing the maximum number of images from jpeg to .svg. Checking what the LCP was (in my case is the main welcome text on the homepage) and making sure it was not the cookie banner or something else. A series of other optimisations I don't even remember Google Search Console is telling me that all my pages need improvement since their LCP is >2.5s Can anyone help or tell me that this is not feasible on Squarespace? Thanks in advance.
  2. Solved! This is the code .header-menu-nav-item:nth-child(4) a { color: #5DCB8E !important; }
  3. Thanks @tuanphan! That solved my question too. Any chance you can share the CSS for the mobile? Thanks in advance
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