Just logged in today after a couple of months of absence, to start uploading new product images to asset library. I was glad to see folders now offered for organization. I created image category folders and then sub folders and moved product images accordingly, only to realize ( after doing all this) I would have to click on each product folder to actually see which product it is, as I cannot nor will asset library at least auto generate a folder image.
I have such regret now. The old way was bulky but at least I could scroll and see what I was looking for.
I make jewelry, so for instance;
Folder- (one of a kind) > Sub Folder (vintage) > Sub folders with product images ( Vintage #1, #2, #3 etc..)
I do not have a unique name for each product as there are too many of them, so in order to know what is inside each sub folder/product images, I have to click open each one until I find the one I want.
If anyone knows if I can in fact add a main folder image, please let me know, or maybe this is something that Squarespace would consider adding. My fault I guess, main folder image is a norm in file/folder structure, it didn't occur to me that I wouldn't be able to do this.