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  1. Hi Tuan, Thank you, this did work, I was wondering if there was a way to get it to work SVGs? I uploaded 2, one for each cursor state but they didn't work, only the PNGs. Do I need to alter the code so SVGs work? Normal: https://gracelillianlee.squarespace.com/s/custom-curser.svg Hover: https://gracelillianlee.squarespace.com/s/custom-curser-hover.svg I also had the same issue however, when using this code it breaks the edit mode in fluid engine. I have attached a video as an example. Would this mean I would need to use that safe mode link to edit the site when having a custom cursor applied? Thanks again for all your help. Video here of what it's doing in edit mode, when I add a block it shoots me to the top of the page and will only let me add a new block to top section and none below: https://www.loom.com/share/490e3a3ad63446298fde1a9e52b06840?sid=a20694c4-f0b4-4d85-8172-000db8290820
  2. I have had to remove that code altogether as it was breaking my site, it was affecting me when I was in edit mode and would not let me add new blocks to sections, does anyone have any ideas on what might work? Thank you 🙂
  3. Hello, No it still does not work on my end, and I have the same problem. See the link to screen record https://www.loom.com/share/9bb7088191b64d8f9f8e515181f3df7b?sid=4e7c08be-4041-4e3c-ba9f-1354492332a1 Thanks in advance
  4. Site: https://gracelillianlee.squarespace.com/ My site password is: Tr0pic@l Hello, I am trying to remove the hover state on my tertiary button, I have tried a few different code snippets and editing the colours to not make my tertiary button have a hover state but I have not been able to remove it. As my tertiary button has no fill and is just an underline button the hover state looks wrong and I would prefer to either create a hover state that simply changes the underline colour and text colour or none at all. I like the hover states on all my other buttons so I am only trying to remove it from my tertiary (small) button. Any ideas? thanks in advance 😊 Button normally Button on hover
  5. Site: https://gracelillianlee.squarespace.com/ My site password is: Tr0pic@l Hello, I am trying to create a custom cursor site-wide and a custom hover cursor. I have tried a few different code snippets online but nothing seems to be working. The custom cursor will show up on my page for a second but it doesn't replace the default cursor it just sits next to it and then disappears. This is the code below that I have tried but is not working properly. Any ideas? body { margin: 0; height: 100vh; cursor: url(https://static1.squarespace.com/static/63c8b02c67ac2c30ae9427df/t/657134d4ab330577bc8eb047/1701917908121/custom-curser.png), auto !important; } a:hover { cursor: url(https://static1.squarespace.com/static/63c8b02c67ac2c30ae9427df/t/657134d4a70814190f44bef5/1701917908113/custom-curser-hover.png), auto !important; }
  6. This worked and you are truly a magician thanks for all your help.
  7. Thanks for getting back to me, sorry I did have it with the space originally, it doesn't work either way. I ended up replacing that code and added in a light arrow to replace for that block, see the code below. Thanks for all your help. #block-2e660832ac58afc0f334 .sqs-gallery-controls a.next { background-image: url(https://gracelillianlee.squarespace.com/s/right-light.svg) !important; background-size: contain !important; background-repeat: no-repeat !important; width: 70px; height: 30px; margin-top: 10px !important; } But it didn't work
  8. Site: https://gracelillianlee.squarespace.com/ My site password is: Tr0pic@l Hello, I was wondering if there is a way to change the navigation text when you hover over it, for example: Nav link one: Normal state: "ENTER MY WORLD" On hover state: "HOMEPAGE" Off hover state: "ENTER MY WORLD" The active state would stay on "ENTER MY WORLD" (I have styled the active state to make my text bold and italic) I want to do this for all my navigation text so each one has an alternate text on the hover state: Nav link two: Normal state: "CURRENT HAPPENINGS" On hover state: "EVENTS" Off hover state: "CURRENT HAPPENINGS" Nav link three: Normal state: "WOVEN SCULPTURE" On hover state: "COMMISSIONS" Off hover state: "WOVEN SCULPTURE" Nav link four: Normal state: "BEYOND THE VISIBLE WORLD" On hover state: "ABOUT ME" Off hover state: "BEYOND THE VISIBLE WORLD" Nav link five: Normal state: "THE JOURNEY" On hover state: "HISTORY" Off hover state: "THE JOURNEY" Nav link six: Normal state: "REACH FOR THE STARS" On hover state: "CONTACT" Off hover state: "REACH FOR THE STARS" I appreciate any suggestions in advance 🙂
  9. Thank you, I upgraded my site and that worked. I wanted to target just one of the slideshow galleries, so I could use a fill on the SVG arrow to make it white, I tried to use this code but it didn't work. Is there something missing? #block-2e660832ac58afc0f334.sqs-gallery-controls a.next { fill: #F7F6EC !important; }
  10. Hi Tuan, Sorry there is another thing, The code for the arrow worked but the code only works when I have the CSS panel open in Squarespace, It only seems to be with the SVG icon replacement part of the code. As soon as I exit out of the CSS menu and refresh the browser the arrows disappear all together. This the code, I'm not sure if I have broken it somewhere which is why its not working after I close the CSS editor. //Change arrow div.sqs-gallery-controls a.next { background-image: url(https://gracelillianlee.squarespace.com/s/Grace-lillan-lee-arrow.svg) !important; background-size: contain !important; background-repeat: no-repeat !important; width: 70px; height: 30px; margin-top: 31px !important; } a.next:before { visibility: hidden; } Thanks sorry for the spam.
  11. Hi Tuan I had one more question, I realise I needed to make one of the slideshow gallery arrows white as that sections background is black. I was trying to target just that one slideshow, I used the below code using the block ID to try target it but I may have got the code wrong, I also tried to apply a fill to change the colour of the SVG. This is what I used, that didn't work, do you know what code I should use if i just wanted to change one of the slideshow galleries arrows? #block-2e660832ac58afc0f334.sqs-gallery-controls a.next { background-image: url(https://gracelillianlee.squarespace.com/s/Grace-lillan-lee-arrow.svg) !important; fill: #F7F6EC !important; background-size: contain !important; background-repeat: no-repeat !important; width: 70px; height: 30px; margin-top: 10px !important; } Thank you
  12. Hi Tuan, Thank you so much for getting back to me, I ended up placing the slideshow with the new fluid engine so I was able to place the caption as a text block instead of using the caption within the slideshow. Your code worked thank you so much, the arrow is sitting a little high up and I need it to align with the text on the left, how would I move it down more? Thanks for all your help.
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