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Posts posted by SEOSpace_Henry

  1. Hi @kneecoal - this is usually due to "thin content" on a page - i.e. you have <300 words on a specific web page.

    If you have more than 300 words on the pages flagged, feel free to ignore the recommendations. SEMRush doesn't provide guidance specific to Squarespace, so sometimes, you'll be told to do things you can't on SQSP.

    That's one of the reasons I made SEOSpace 👌

  2. Hey @Rodney1234 - I understand how frustrating this can be!

    I've added some solutions below:

    • Optimize your SEO title: Make your SEO title 50-60 characters, this is optimal for Google
    • Connect your website to Google Search Console: GSC is the platform you connect your site to, in order to let Google know you're ready to be shown up on search engines - submit your sitemap and request indexing of your homepage to boost your changes of showing up well. I have a resource for this here: 
    • Follow SEO best practices: If your homepage isn't following other SEO best practices, Google is less likely to take you seriously - a common pitfall is not having >300 words on every web page.

    The above video also has some other common pitfalls.

    Hope that helps!

  3. Hi @Katey001 - I feel your frustration here! I've been here too.

    I've added some possible solutions below, but sometimes this can take time.

    • Ensure your SEO titles are 50-60 characters long - this is optimal for displaying on search engines - I have added a video at the bottom which should help.
    • Make sure the rest of your page follows SEO best practices - ensure you're following an SEO checklist across the rest of your page so it's easy for Google to crawl your website and display you correctly
    • Backlinks - backlinks are links from other websites, they increase your domain authority - a score of how reputable your site is on Google. If you don't have many backlinks, Google is less likely to take your site seriously and crawl it more often. Get high-quality backlinks, and Google is more likely to be kind here.
    • Optimize your SEO description (meta description) - this should be 150-160 characters long and include the main keyword you want to rank for.
    • Internal links: adding internal links from other web pages to this one, indicates to Google that this is an important page, and boosts the likelihood it'll display correctly. This is called "page hierarchy"
    • Requested indexing - have you submitted your sitemap to Google Search Console and manually requested indexing? This can really help. I've added a video guide below to connecting Google Search Console to Google. 


  4. Hi @HayleyTitheradge - no problem at all!

    Yes, this just means Google knows the web page is there (so it is recognising your content, fortunately!), but hasn't decided to index it for a number of reasons - I have a video here which might help: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5sZk1CA3zIA

    In terms of backlinks... it's tricky; there are lots of ways and a lot of people do it wrong. I have a strategy in this video at 10:04 which should help: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyFb3Uell4k

    In general, I recommend:

    • Creating content that's worthy of linking to
    • Collabs with other businesses
    • Guest posting
    • Sharing content across social media
    • Working with industry organisations etc.
  5. I studied the top 10% of Squarespace websites (in terms of organic traffic) to see what they do differently and what makes them stand out.

    The top 10% had, on average:

    • 2.85x more backlinks
    • 6.75x more keywords on Google
    • 19.8% higher SEO score

    Which means, to get closer to the top 10% and boost your traffic, you need to follow SEO best practices, write more high-quality content and get backlinks.

    Follow those 3 things, and you can't go too far wrong. Here's a video running through the results 👇


  6. Hi everyone!

    For those who missed it or don't know about SEOSpace yet, our new version has just launched!

    SEOSpace is the SEO plugin for Squarespace - it tells you how to rank your Squarespace site higher up on Google without the jargon.

    We just released site-wide audit, reporting and monitoring capabilities... meaning, you can improve your Squarespace SEO quicker than ever.

    Check it out below 👇 


    SEOSpace- Youtube Thumbnail (30).png

  7. Hi everyone! 

    SEO can be full of jargon and misinformation, and it can be hard to know where to start.

    That's why I brought together this 5 step guide to ranking on page 1 of Google.

    In short, the steps are:

    1. Getting your keyword research right
    2. Developing your SEO strategy
    3. Following on-page SEO best practices
    4. Writing page 1 worthy blog posts
    5. Getting backlinks

    The only thing I missed was connecting to Google Search Console, but check the video out below and let me know your thoughts!


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