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Everything posted by Napalm

  1. Thanks! LAST THING... is there a way to correct the top of my page on tablet without messing up desktop and mobile (I like how those currently are)? The tablet version has everything smashed together. I'd prefer this look either like the desktop or mobile version - whichever is easier to format. Thanks for your help!
  2. Got it, thanks! Is there a way to make the font for "director/producer/cinematographer" slightly smaller on mobile? Right now I'm only able to change the size of "Nathan Palm" on the mobile interface. Thanks!
  3. One quick follow up - is there a way to get "director/producer/cinematographer" all included on the top on the mobile version? Right now, "director" gets cut off. URL is nathanpalm.com Thanks!
  4. Sorry for the late reply - that took care of it! Thanks, much appreciated!
  5. Hello, I recently added a button to my montage video and while the mobile/tablet versions look great, it added unwanted gray bars atop my mobile interface. Does anyone know how I can eliminate the gray at the top and bottom of my montage video? Thanks, Nathan
  6. Site URL: https://www.nathanpalm.com/ Hello! I've been trying to modify the size of my video on my homepage (or, I like the size but it's punching in on the video, so it's cropping some of it out). Is it possible to avoid the cropping and utilize the full video frame on both desktop and tablet versions? I've attached a sample image where you can see the head is out of frame due to the cropping of the video to fit the homepage. nathanpalm.com PW: test Thanks! Nathan
  7. @Web_Solutions Thanks! The video size looks much better but the video continues to crop even further in. Is there a way to get it back to its original picture without the crop while remaining at this size?
  8. Site URL: http://www.nathanpalm.com Hi, I'm having trouble with the video cropping on the mobile version. Is it possible to make the video smaller (it's too vertical and larger than I'd prefer) while also maintaining its original aspect ratio to avoid this really cropped in look? site: nathanpalm.com pw: test Thanks!
  9. @paul2009 Got it, thanks! Double-checked and it is a 7.0 template. I'm trying to do a couple things on my page. 1) My video that plays on my homepage is slightly cropped from its original export and I was wondering how to adjust the aspect ratio of that video so it looks better and 2) the mobile interface is a mess, so I was wondering how to scale down the size of the homepage video, text, etc so it's more visually appealing. I've see people post codes for those types of changes on 7.1 but was wondering if there's codes I can enter for 7.0 to make those changes as well. site: nathanpalm.com PW: test Thanks!
  10. I see lots of people reference their "data-section-id" code when making interface changes to the 7.0 Brine layouts. When I check my code, I'm only able to locate "data-collection-id" but this doesn't work with a lot of the online codes I've seen for the "data-section-id." Is this something I did differently when creating my site or why am I not finding numerical values for my "data-section-id"? It seems like a necessary piece to making specific layout changes for mobile, etc. Thanks!
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