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Everything posted by crf8f

  1. New to Squarespace, is there any way to quickly preview a change without navigating back to the website? Simple but I can't figure this one out! Thanks Steve
  2. Thanks! Most of our orders are with a credit card, but occasionally by Purchase Order. With Wordpress we were able to accept PO as a method of payment but not with Squarespace. If a form option would be available maybe that would work? It seems I am not the only one with the PO payment problem occasionally, from what I can see there is no way to work around this. We will just have our customers fax or email a PO if it comes up. But more an more a PO is not used so much by schools anymore.
  3. Site URL: http://pelletlab.com I am just getting started, please take a look I would welcome any feedback! By the way, has anyone found a way to accept a Purchase Order as a form of payment? We sell often to schools that would like to use a PO.
  4. Downsizing a complicated mess on Wordpress to Squarespace, hopefully this will make things simpler. Stupid question; what is the most direct way to preview a change in product before saving changes? Not seeing this... Thanks! crf8f
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