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Posts posted by Jacob35

  1. 18 hours ago, paul2009 said:

    A fix for the CSS panel issue was rolled out a short time ago. Most sites should be working again now, with others following really soon 🥳.

    @Obi-Wan @loisartz @Donna_Vincent @steve_plaster @nomadweek @laurel @Jacob35 @Kizzy @2birds @thefakedaniel @jonaverill @Asiya @Web_Solutions @Ainul @kerstinmartin

    Thanks so much, sincerely appreciate you keeping us informed! Cheers mate, huge sigh of relief as my site looks back to normal this morning 🙏

  2. 11 minutes ago, paul2009 said:

    I can confirm there is currently an issue with the preview pane on Squarespace 7.1 sites that is preventing CSS from being previewed correctly whilst editing the site.

    It has been reported to Squarespace's Engineering team, and they’re currently prioritizing the issue.

    Note that you can report issues with the platform directly to Squarespace using this link.

    Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below  ⬇️

    Got it, thanks for getting back to us. I will certainly submit a proper report next time. Appreciate all you do! Have a great weekend!

  3. 33 minutes ago, Kizzy said:

    CSS is not working for me either. I wonder if it's a global issue?

    Thanks for confirming, I appreciate the reply. It must be, that's really the only explanation I can think of as well. Hopefully this is resolved soon or someone else can provide a solution to this issue.

  4. Hello,

    I am fairly new to Squarespace, however this is the first real "impossible" issue that I've run into.

    I would like to add a bottom border to the first section of my website. There are plenty of tutorials on this, however none of them actually work for me. I've tested the below CSS on multiple websites and it doesn't work on any of them. Is this code simply out of date?

      border-bottom: 20px solid red;

    Of course, that is the section id for the one on my site, however it does not work on any sections on any of my sites. I would greatly appreciate it if someone could let me know if there is a new/alternative method of achieving a bottom border on a section.

    Thank you!

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