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  1. Sorry - I forgot to add that. https://tangerine-trumpet-x9f9.squarespace.com The page is Musings. Thank you!
  2. Hi! Does anyone know how to line up the dates and the images here? I've tried to do it within the settings but it won't align. Thanks!
  3. Thank you! Do you know how to fix these issues, as well?
  4. Does anyone know how to add a date under the title?
  5. @tuanphan I have this code to embed in my site as well and I cannot get it to work. I added a code block with the code but it is not appearing. Can you let me know what worked above? https://accordion-clarinet-j7sd.squarespace.com drowssap I am trying to embed this on the Careers page: <div id=“grnhse_app"></div> <script src=“https://boards.greenhouse.io/embed/job_board/js?for=redjack92"></script> Thank you!
  6. I am having the same problem but the code doesn't work. Can anyone help? https://pigeon-blue-7wm8.squarespace.com drtcyber2023 Thank you!
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