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Posts posted by kaydotjpg

  1. Hi! 

    I have a client hoping to make an image draggable (just one image). I've found a codepen code, but I'm not sure how to put the codepen into my site correctly (there seems to be different options). If someone could help me figure out how to do that with my tester site (we can use the oval image on the second section, code block: #block-374ede71b52e85ca10b8) Thank you!!

    site: https://krill-cinnamon-fcfj.squarespace.com/
    password: hello


  2. @Vicks I have the code in the footer code injection area.

    I replaced the second line of the code with the new line you gave me, but the effect just disappeared all together. I could be deleting too much of the original l code? Or something? Would you mind rewriting the code with the new line added? Just to make sure I get it right 

  3. Hi! 

    Not sure if this is possible, but my client loves her homepage but feels as if her name being displayed twice (big and bold on the first section, then in the site title) is overkill. She's wondering if her site title can be hidden from the very first section only of her homepage only, and then appear like normal as you continue to scroll through the site? 

    site: https://grouper-azalea-byr2.squarespace.com/

    password: lara 

  4. @paul2009 Hi, thanks so much for explaining that. For this particular situation, I would like this text change once expanded only on one particular accordion. When collapsed it says "READ MORE" and once expanded I would like it to read "READ LESS". Can you help me with this code? The block ID for this accordion is: 


  5. https://pineapple-saxophone-jrkr.squarespace.com/

    password: tunika

    Hi! I have a custom "dot" hamburger icon. However, I would love to nudge it a little higher up by a pixel or two. Is there a way to do this? Below is the code I'm currently using for the custom icon: 

    .burger-box:after {
    content: "•";
    text-align: right;
    font-size: 100px;
    color: #EE6C70;
    display: block !important;
    .burger-box {
      width: 20px !important;
      height: 40px !important;
    .burger-box div {
    display: none;


  6. https://grouper-azalea-byr2.squarespace.com/

    password: Lara 

    This might be a little far fetched, but I was wondering if there is anyway to change the title to my accordion dropdown when it's expanded?  I'm trying to be clever and create a "read more" button using the accordion feature, which so far looks really great! However, when the "read more" is expanded, it continues to say "read more" (obviously). I would love it to say "Read less" when expanded. Any help?

  7. @Ziggy just tried that last code you gave me, but it didn't work. 

    The code "#page #sections .content-wrapper { min-height: 100vh; }" is the only code that has worked on the homepage so far, but for some reason expands the scrolling block section on every other page. So weird. I took it off. Now we are back to square one. Every page looks great, but homepage still has the gap. I'm wondering if the issue lies within the code that I'm using for the vertical split header. What do y'all think? Feeling desperate to fix this issue! And really appreciate y'all help so far 

    @media screen and (min-width:768px) {
    a#site-title {
        position: fixed;
        top: 50%;
        transform: rotate(270deg) translateY(-30%);
        left: -65px;
      font-size: 1.5rem;
    nav.header-nav-list {
        position: fixed;
        top: 50%;
        transform: rotate(90deg) translateY(-50%);
        flex-direction: column;
        right: 60px;
    nav.header-nav-list>div:nth-child(1) {
        position: fixed;
        left: calc(~"50% - 100px");
    nav.header-nav-list>div:nth-child(2) {
        position: fixed;
        left: calc(~"50% - 35px");
    nav.header-nav-list>div:nth-child(3) {
        position: fixed;
        left: calc(~"50% + 50px");
    nav.header-nav-list>div:nth-child(4) {
        position: fixed;
        left: calc(~"50% + 150px");
  8. @Ziggy @Vicks  So super weird, when I applied the code below, it worked perfectly on the homepage. I got so excited, but when I checked out my other pages (Writing, Mood, About)- the code made the section with the scrolling block huge and long? What the heck. Check it out (I left the code on the site so you can see). I feel like we're getting closer though!

    site: https://pineapple-saxophone-jrkr.squarespace.com/

    password: tunika

    #page #sections .content-wrapper {
        min-height: 100vh;
  9. Hi! 

    So, what the heck, when I go to edit the mobile version of my client's homepage only (all other pages are totally fine) the blocks are just not showing up at all? (1 image block, 2 texts blocks, 1 scrolling text block)- there's just....nothing. I tried logging on a different browser, but no luck. I have some css coding, but can't guess what would be causing this issue. Screenshot of the desktop + the mobile version in edit mode. Thank you!!

    website: https://pineapple-saxophone-jrkr.squarespace.com/

    pw: tunika

    Screen Shot 2023-04-17 at 6.54.52 PM.png

    Screen Shot 2023-04-17 at 6.54.58 PM.png

  10. @Vicks thank you for this. At first it gave me an error, but I deleted the "<style>" and "</style>" and it worked- on every page BUT the homepage 🤣 Which, I have the same scrolling block at the top of each page, so it closed those gaps, woohoo! but the gap on the homepage still remains. 

  11. @Ziggy thanks for your response. When you said "first section is set to 100vh" I assume you are talking about the height of the section (there is only that 1 section on the homepage)- which I went ahead and changed it "1" height. I attached a photo so you can see what I mean, and to make sure I made the change you were referring to. Next, I wasn't totally sure what you meant by "contents vertically aligned to the center, suggest top aligned at least" (in the site? within the code?)- could you elaborate on that part? Thanks! 

    Screen Shot 2023-04-17 at 4.33.24 PM.png

  12. Hi! 

    I have an accordion menu on my homepage (it is the "+ READ MORE", it can be easy to miss since it does not look like a tradition accordion menu). I would love to add an oval border around the title "+ READ MORE". I know how to add a rounded edge border, but I'm aiming to have it look more like a button, and for it match the "Contact" button in my header. Is this possible?

    password: lara

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