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Everything posted by Depoise

  1. Site URL: https://ukulele-pug-le4k.squarespace.com/shop-rein I know this question has been asked many times and I have found a few good answers, but no solution to my current problem. I'm trying to place four images within two columns in mobile view, and I used the following code to do it: @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { section[data-section-id="625c27d3f7aef559cbb62a98"] .sqs-layout .span-12 .span-3 { width: 50% !important; float: left !important; } } I want the fourth image to be next to the third, and I'm having trouble finding the right code. Here is a screenshot of what it looks like now: I hope someone can help me 🙂
  2. Yes thanks for your reply! We used an image gallary to fix this issue.
  3. Site URL: https://ukulele-pug-le4k.squarespace.com/doggos/p/country-feast-set-sgnye Hey there! I'm currently struggeling with my product page. I would like to put the title and product description above the image gallery. I am not really good in css which is why I need your help. Can you help me with some css code to put product title and product description ("männlich | 6 Monate") above the image? Thanks a lot! https://ukulele-pug-le4k.squarespace.com/doggos/p/country-feast-set-sgnye password: unserverein123
  4. Site URL: https://ukulele-pug-le4k.squarespace.com/verein hello, on my page I want to introduce the members of our club. To do so I added a carousel-item-list. I want to add a hover-effect where single images switch by hovering over it. I have problems to implement that. How can I add a hover effect where single images change on hover? Thanks a lot! https://ukulele-pug-le4k.squarespace.com/verein PW: unserverein123 section[data-section-id="616802f396f85b30804b1e0c"]
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