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Everything posted by corricorricorri

  1. Site URL: https://www.arrrrrrrt.com/ Help, I deleted a line of code now many of my CSS features refuse to function and I cannot find that pesky missing '{' Site password: 1445 My code is as follows: // Read More // .sqs-block-summary-v2 .summary-read-more-link { font-size:0; } .sqs-block-summary-v2 .summary-read-more-link:before { content: "Read More"; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline; color: #000000 !important; } // Summary Block Excerpt // .summary-excerpt p { font-size: 12px !important; font-weight: 500px; color: #000000; letter-spacing: 1px; line-height: 1px; } // Active Nav Color // // Hover Nav Color // .summary-thumbnail-outer-container:hover + .summary-content * { color: #FF0000 !important; } // Change Color On Hover Header Button // .header-actions .btn { transition: all 0.3s !important; } .header-actions .btn:hover { color: #ffffff; background-color: #FF0000; opacity: 1 !important; } /* Nav item color */ .header-nav-item a { color: #000000 !important; transition-duration: 0.4s; } /* Nav item hover color */ .header-nav-item a:hover { color: #FF0000 !important; transition-duration: 0.4s; } /* Nav item active color */ .header-nav-item--active a { color: #00b140 !important; } // Search // // Underline Search Block // .sqs-search-ui-button-wrapper.color-dark .search-input { background-color: transparent; border-width: 0; opacity: 1; border-bottom: 2.5px solid #00b140 ; } // Search Block - Text // .sqs-search-ui-button-wrapper.color-dark .search-input { font-size: 16px; font-weight: 500; letter-spacing: 0.03em; color: #00b140 !important; opacity: 1 !important; } // search // input[placeholder="Search"] { font-family: neue-haas-grotesk-text; font-size: 8px; } // Shopping bag // .icon--cart { svg { display:none; } background-image: url(https://static1.squarespace.com/static/603e72cb6bb5d15ac03c5f8c/t/60a46518a61eac7108716c02/1621386520681/bag+%282%29.png); background-size: 20px 20px; background-repeat: no-repeat; } // Subscribe // // Change Color On Hover Header Button // .header-actions .btn { transition: all 0.3s !important; } .header-actions .btn:hover { color: #ffffff; background-color: #4FBF87; opacity: 1 !important; } // Header Alignment // .header--menu-open .header-menu-nav-item {text-align:left;} .header--menu-open .header-menu-nav-folder-content {justify-content:normal} .header-menu-nav-item a { font-size: 20px; } .header--menu-open .header-menu-nav-item {margin-bottom: -0.5 px} // Hover blog // p a:hover { color:#808080 !important } // Hover filter images // .intrinsic:hover img {filter:grayscale(1)} // Underline // hr { padding: 0.5px 0 0.5px 0; } // Solid Underline Newsletter Form // // Pagination // section.item-pagination.item-pagination--prev-next { display: none; } // Back to top // #myBtn { width: 50px; height: 50px; display: none; position: fixed; bottom: 20px; right: 30px; z-index: 99; border: none; outline: none; font-size: 25px !important; color: white; cursor: pointer; padding: 10px 10px 10px 11px; border-radius: 50%; box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px #000; /* Change the hex code in the next line to change background color */ background-color: #a4a4a4; } #myBtn:hover { background-color: #aeaeae; } // Learn // #block-yui_3_17_2_1_1621480503627_5947 p { line-height: 18px; } // H1 // h1 { margin-top: -15px !important; margin-top: -15px !important; } h4{ margin-top: 20px !important; margin-bottom: -16px !important; } // Spacing // .sqs-block h3 { margin-bottom: 0; } // Newsletter // #collection-60a504fa4444ce2a8b1de637 #header { display: none } // Summary // .sqs-block-summary-v2 { .summary-title, .summary-heading { font-family: neue-haas-grotesk-text; font-weight: 600; font-size: 28.43px !important; color: #000000; text-transform: ; font-style: ; } } .sqs-block-summary-v2 { .summary-excerpt p {font-family: ; font-weight: 500; letter-spacing: 0.1px !important; font-size: 16px !important; color: #000000; ; } } // paragraph spacing // div#block-yui_3_17_2_1_1621864997776_5317 p { margin-top: -18px; } //Gallery captions // p.gallery-caption-content { font-family: neue-haas-grotesk-text; font-weight: 400!important; text-align: left; } // Scale Up Grid Gallery - Simple Layout // .gallery-grid-item img { transform: scale(1) !important; transition: all ease-in-out 0.8s !important; } .gallery-grid-item:hover img { transform: scale(1.1) !important; transition: all ease-in-out 0.8s !important; } //Gallery// .gallery-grid.gallery-grid--layout-grid { padding-top: 25px !important; } /* search */ @media only screen and (min-width:640px) { .icon--fill:nth-of-type(1) { svg { display:none; } background-image: url(https://static1.squarespace.com/static/603e72cb6bb5d15ac03c5f8c/t/60ad0ac1c6ec20276425f57c/1621953217175/magnifying-glass.png); background-size: 100%; background-repeat: no-repeat; } } .header-menu-actions-action:nth-of-type(1) { svg { display:none; } background-image: url(); background-size: 100%; background-repeat: no-repeat; } // Headings // h4 { color: #FF0000 !important; } // Learning // #block-yui_3_17_2_1_1621954106683_7291 * { margin-top:- 20px; } //Remove Link Underline // h1,h2,h3,nav { a,span background-image: none!important; text-decoration: none!important; } } // Summary title // /* Title */ .summary-title-link { line-height: 1px !important; text-transform: none; font-family: neue-haas-grotesk-display; font-size: 16px; } /* category */ .summary-metadata-item a { font-family: neue-haas-grotesk-text; font-weight: 600px; } // Search box // .search-input:focus { outline-color: transparent; } // newsletter .. @media screen and (max-width:640px) { section#newsletter-copy h2 { font-size: 30px; } section#newsletter-copy .newsletter-form-header-description * { font-size: 17px !important; } section#newsletter-copy .newsletter-form-header { width: 100%; } } // form // .form-block input, .field-element{ color: #000; } /* Line under header */ header#header { border-bottom: 0px solid #000000; } //cookie// .sqs-cookie-banner-v2.LIGHT { background-color: #39FF14; .sqs-cookie-banner-v2-text p { color: #000000; } } button.sqs-cookie-banner-v2-accept { color: BLACK !important; border-color: BLACK !important; } .sqs-cookie-banner-v2-text p { font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold; font-family: neue-haas-grotesk-text; color: black !important;line-height: 130%; } // Mobile header // @media only screen and (max-width: 640px) { .banner-thumbnail-wrapper { padding: 2px 0 5px !important; } } //Button width // .sqs-block-button-element {width: 220px } /* Add this code to Design -> Custom CSS */ .sqs-block-button a, [class*='button'], [class*='btn'] { font-family: 'neue-haas-grotesk-text' !important; font-size:16px; letter-spacing: 0.03em; } div.meta-below-title * { font-size: 30px; } // Metadata // .summary-metadata-item { font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold; font-family: neue-haas-grotesk-display; font-size: 12px !important; line-height: -1px; } //Remove Link Underline // h1,h2,h3,h4,p,nav { a,span { background-image: none!important; text-decoration: none!important; } } // Announcement Bar Hover Color // .sqs-announcement-bar { width: 100%; background-color: #000000 !important; /* main color */ webkit-transition: all .25s ease-in-out; -moz-transition: all .25s ease-in-out; -ms-transition: all .25s ease-in-out; -o-transition: all .25s ease-in-out; transition: all .25s ease-in-out; } .sqs-announcement-bar:hover { border-color: white !important; background-color: #ff0000 !important; /* hover color */ webkit-transition: all .25s ease-in-out; -moz-transition: all .25s ease-in-out; -ms-transition: all .25s ease-in-out; -o-transition: all .25s ease-in-out; transition: all .25s ease-in-out; } // mobile menu // .header-menu-nav-item a { padding: 0; font-size: 1em; } // marquee // /* Removing the underline on link in the announcement bar */ .sqs-announcement-bar-text a{ text-decoration: unset !important; } /* Adding left and right padding, change to match your site padding if needed */ .sqs-announcement-bar-text{ padding-left: 30px; padding-right: 30px; } /* Hiding anything that extends beyond the screen */ #announcement-bar-text-inner-id { margin: 0 auto; overflow: hidden; } /* Starting the text off of the screen and adjusting width, change the animation: 15s to however long you want the marquee to take in seconds */ #announcement-bar-text-inner-id p { display: inline-block; width: max-content; padding-left: 100%; will-change: transform; animation: marquee 17s linear infinite; } /* Stopping the marquee on hover so people can click on links */ #announcement-bar-text-inner-id p:hover { animation-play-state: paused } @keyframes marquee { 0% { transform: translate(0, 0); } 100% { transform: translate(-100%, 0); } } // hide metadata // .blog-meta-item--tags { display: none; } // hide footer newsletter // #collection-60a504fa4444ce2a8b1de637 { footer { display: none !important; } } /* Remove Read More Underline */ .blog-more-link::after { display:none; } // heading color /
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