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Veryfastcar's Achievements

  1. It's all working, Paul! Thank you again for your help 🙂
  2. Thank you, Paul, for your thoughtful and fast response! I've requested the site password so that I can do what you've suggested. I'll give that a go and let you know if it works. It sounds logical and likely what's happening. Cheers!
  3. Hey there! I'm currently finishing a website that was started by another user -- it hasn't been published yet. The site is mostly stock, built using one of Squarespace's templates. As far as I can tell, there is only one piece of embedded custom code which is for CanadaHelps' donation form. The code for the form is directly from CanadaHelps (and is currently working on our old website). Sometimes I can see the form in development and everything looks OK, other times I'll be working on the site and there will be an error message where the code is inserted. When I edit the page, there is an error that has replaced where the form is located that reads "Script Disabled". Does anyone have any tips on why this is happening. I am not a developer; I am volunteering to help this small non-profit launch their website. This is the code: <script id="ch_cdn_embed" type="text/javascript" data-page-id="41124" data-cfasync="false" data-formtype="0" src="https://www.canadahelps.org/services/wa/js/apps/donatenow/embed.min.js"></script> I checked the forum for similar posts and found something about viewing pages in incognito. I launched Squarespace incognito, but the error is still there when I edit the page. Many thanks for any suggestions! V
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