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  1. Hello I am looking to add the tilt effect from this js library to my portfolio grid layout (particularly the reverse tilt effect). Ideally, when a user hovers over a section, the opacity and title effects remain intact but now there is a tilt interactivity. Library: https://micku7zu.github.io/vanilla-tilt.js/ My Site: https://www.aksomaiah.com/ Password: aksomaiah
  2. @tuanphan thank you for your help we are starting to get on the right track. I am looking to make another page with the same portfolio layout but the code-injected text from this page is showing up there as well and I would like that page to behave independently. Any idea how to do this? site password: aksomaiah
  3. @sorca_marian I would like the text to fill the entire space but not appear only on mouse hover actually. I want the text to appear in the negative space of the top right of the grid when opening the site, same as my header text. the challenge reaaranging the grid to my specifications and adding the text to the negative space as specified in my screenshot.
  4. @sorca_marian No I don't need the titles underneath the images of the portfolio. I want to add text to the negative space to the top left of the grid to create a perfect looking grid. Please see the screenshot mockup for reference. Thanks!
  5. Hello I'm looking to change my homepage by utilizing the negative space by adding some text since I have an odd amount of projects. The link to my site has the current layout and I have attached a picture of a rough idea of what I am trying to accomplish instead. I am pretty sure would have to inject custom code so would appreciate some help on this as I am a novice when it comes to coding. Thanks!
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