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  1. I just added the code and don't see any difference.…
  2. How do I use this code to make it only effective for this one specific page? https://www.sarahkoester.com/diary#/visual-diary-2022/
  3. https://www.sarahkoester.com/diary#/visual-diary-2022/ I managed to make the images clickable but I still would prefer using more of the width (reduce white space on the right)
  4. www.sarahkoester.com is my website if that helps And I know that there is the possibility of using light boxes to make the images clickable but I don't like the fixed order. I want to arrange my photos freely as in a diary style.
  5. Hey, is there any way to use the full width (or at least some of the remaining white space on the right) and to make them clickable to enlarge them? At the moment they are very small. I would like to use this only for my visual diary pages not for my normal project galleries.
  6. @tuanphan That finally worked! Thank you 🙂
  7. @tuanphan Take a look at the About page, it's the only one where the issue still occurs…
  8. The problem still exists… not sure what to try
  9. Okay, I found this part but unfortunately even though it worked out and I got more white space to the borders (by adding !important to the mobile rule), it brought other issues to the page. The gallery titles were display in a wrong way on mobile and part of the menu disappeared after clicking on it. Is there any other thing I can try? @tuanphan @jaeveedee
  10. I can't find this part in my CSS… I used the search function but there is no section like this. I'm not sure where to add or remove the !important part. Could you please help? Thank you in advance!
  11. Thank you – but it still doesn't fill up the whole screen like it's the case in the attached screenshots above…
  12. Yes, for example here: https://www.sarahkoester.com/#/invisible-bond/
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