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Everything posted by Letetia

  1. When I move 'All' to 'Not Linked', when you click on 'Services' it goes straight to 'Brand Strategy' as that is what is below it
  2. Hi @tuanphan https://www.tryysh.com/ Password - Tryysh098 If you could help me with this, that would be great! I have managed to make my Services page clickable and is linked to my All page, however now, I don't want the All page to be visible.
  3. Just tried this and it doesn't seem to have made any difference 🤔
  4. Site URL: https://oval-panda-rsl8.squarespace.com/ Hi, I was wondering what would be the most effective way of stoping text from hyphonating when the screen size is reduced?
  5. I'm only on a personal plan and am unable to access the advanced options. Is there another way or worth making the upgrade?
  6. I've looked at previous solutions but they don't seem to work for me and I was wondering if it was due to being 7.1? Password is Retype123 https://oval-panda-rsl8.squarespace.com/ Thanks 🙂
  7. Site URL: https://oval-panda-rsl8.squarespace.com/ Hi, I hope someone can help me with this. In my navigation, I have a folder with a dropdown menu. I want the folder to act as a clickable directory to a page itself. I have followed what others have done on previous versions of squarespace creating the first page from the dropdown menu as the page to link together however to no success. I was wondering if 7.1 works differently.?
  8. Hi, I seem to be having a similar problem. I wish for my drop down menu to have a different colour, however this is my choosen default colour of font. I cant seem to figure out how to change the colour of the font to white when the links drop down. .header-nav-folder-content { background: #f2cf70 !important; }
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