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Everything posted by Lola20

  1. Having the same issue on my site which is a video portfolio for a client and getting the same message on all the video blocks after about 30s of being on the page. Any body managed to get any help on this?
  2. Can anyone help with this please? Still struggling to find help online!
  3. I have two videos on my homepage: https://purple-brass-jgpg.squarespace.com/ password: squarespace I have no issues showing one for desktop and one for mobile. The desktop is 16:9 and mobile video is 9:16. Both are vimeo links. The issue I have is when having them both on the same page, there's some sort of bug on squarespace and due to the different aspect ratios its not allowing the desktop banner to be full width and instead crops top and bottom showing the fall back image behind on different desktop screen sizes. I've attached screenshots (orange top and bottom are the fall back image behind) I've message squarespace and they said they are looking for a fix but unsure how long this will take. Is there any way around this until they sort out the fix? The video on desktop and mobile needs to be full screen as thats all that is going to be on that page and so it can't be cropped in height. Any help would be appreciated!
  4. My website uses Design My Night as a their reservation system (embedded as a widget on my squarespace site). The platform allows you to add a re-direct once the booking has been made which i've done on the widget backend. However, when the booking is complete squarespace doesn't redirect it. Instead it just goes to a blank page which is confusing our customers. The platform says to ensure this- "The return will be made as a POST request, so please ensure your webserver and application can accept POST requests from the designmynight.com domain, including any subdomains." I've spoken to squarespace directly but they are unable to help. Does anyone have experience on this or is able to point me in the right direction??
  5. Having the exact same problem - can anyone help with this?
  6. Also looking for help on this. I've officially tried everything! Currently using a vimeo link but it still doesnt seem as good quality as the upload on vimeo. Even when forcing 4K on the URL. Any help for best practices would be hugely appreciated!
  7. Hi - wondered if anyone has solved this as currently having redirecting the designmynight.com widget back to my website?
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