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  1. Regarding question above, please disregard. I found the problem. There is nothing wrong with the code; it works fine on all pages.
  2. Hi. Code for reducing footer height works for all pages but the first one. Any idea why or how to correct this? I am using: footer.sections { section { min-height: unset !important; } section .content-wrapper { padding-top: 0 !important; padding-bottom: 0 !important; } }
  3. Thanks! This works. I appreciate the help.
  4. Thank you for the tip; I found the right code and all is good.
  5. Many thanks. The site is not yet public. https://tarpon-cello-xlcm.squarespace.com/ PW: ground246 I dropped the "-element" in the custom CSS. I am not sure if that is what you suggested. But it did not address the problem. Buttons on main content pages form an alternative navigation to header menus. They don't work on mobile, so I want to drop them all. The site does not use buttons elsewhere, so dropping them globally on mobile is fine. Buttons on first page are not active. They are on the 2nd page on.
  6. Hi, "display:none" in this code acts like "visibility:hidden" in that buttons seem to disappear on mobile (what I want) but the spaces are still there, and outline is visible if I hover. I'd appreciate some help. I am new to adding custom code to squarespace. // Hiding sections on mobile @media screen and (max-width: 1300px) {.sqs-block-button-element {display:none !important; } }
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