Hello, I'm trying to implement this in avenue template and I've added the image in style editor, but I only want it to appear on one page. Its accepting this CSS: body#collection-57218a18555986178fe56abc { background-position: center top !important;background-image:url("http://static1.squarespace.com/static/56d79456746fb902cc983b5b/t/57219426b09f9564c0b476af/1461818445126/Four+Day+Ray-Commercial-Architecture-Project-Fishers-Indiana.jpg") ; }
BUT the image is still on all pages, not the one I want-#collection-57218a18555986178fe56abc
Any help or feedback would be greatly appreciated! Thank you! @calebcaming @paul2009
URL: caugustllc.com Pass: MDA1