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Everything posted by izza.weihaas

  1. @tuanphan Yes, I did figure it out-- thank you!
  2. Hi @tuanphan is there a way to accomplish this? I would like to add a gradient over the section background image from left to right (black 60% opacty to transparent) on the 3rd section title "22,400 people served each month in our community." https://fbcenla.squarespace.com/ password: design Thanks for your help!
  3. @creedonWOW!! That was so easy, thank you so much!
  4. Hi @creedon, I mentioned the URL above but here is it again just in case, thanks! Here is the page https://odysseysafaris.squarespace.com/counter password: design
  5. Hello is there a way to add a "+" symbol after the number like in this screenshot example? Here is the page https://odysseysafaris.squarespace.com/counter password: design Thank you so much for any assistance.
  6. Hello! I am having a similar issue and tried using some examples above without luck. If someone could help me with this I would really appreciate it. Instead of my footer stacked, i would like the logo to be at the top, with the text blocks stacked side-by-side below. Here is my url: https://printerettepress.squarespace.com/ Password: design Thank you for any help! Also if the social block could be magically moved beside the 'help' block that would be even better!!
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